Chapter 7

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Dallas turned on his television as he sat down on a bar stool.  Liz was on the screen for an interview on The Todd Owens show.

"Great." He murmured, "I wonder what BS she's going to say now."

Over the last three months, his ex-girlfriend had trash-talked him in interviews nationwide.  Todd sat behind his enormous desk, "Welcome back to the Todd Owens show everyone! Today we have a very special guest joining us." He faked a drum roll, "Please welcome . . .actress Elizabeth Lee!"

Elizabeth held up a hand to the camera. She forced a smile as she sat down, on the couch, next to the desk.

"How are you, Miss Lee?" Todd asked with a perverted grin.

Liz gave an angelic smile, " I am good Todd, thank you for asking. How are you?"

He folded his hands on the table, "I'm quite pleasant."

She crossed her legs, "That is wonderful to hear."

"Are you ready for some juicy questions, Elizabeth?"

She glanced at Todd, "Yes."

Todd Owens proceeded to ask Liz several questions about her upcoming movies and TV shows.

After a while, he asked, "So Elizabeth, are you ready for the question everyone wants to know the answer to?" His deep sunken blue eyes questioned her.

"Ah, yes." She replied nervously.

"Okay, rumor has it you and Dallas Hunter, the lead singer of Delirium broke up?" Todd asked.

Her chocolate brown eyes went wide.

"Can you confirm this Miss Lee?"  He proceeded.

Liz glanced toward the camera and then to Todd, "Yes, the rumors are correct."

Dallas scowled at the TV. Elizabeth rattled off several lies playing the victim card, "Well, a few of the band members have gotten new girlfriends." She dabbed her fake lashes, "and one of them happened to be Dallas's ex-girlfriend." Elizabeth fake cried, " And. . . and . . . he became less interested in me. . ." Liz broke into sobs.

"Okay, folks that is it for today," Todd said.

"Shit." Dallas groaned, slamming the remote down, and turning the TV off.

Griff rounded the corner, "What's up?"

"Liz just blamed the breakup on me. . . on national television. " Dallas facepalmed his forehead.

Griffin crossed his arms, "Well what did you expect? For Liz to stay silent?"


"Dallas she's crazy." He jabbed a finger at him, "I bet she's going to use this to make you take her back."

"I will not take that horrid witch back," He chuckled. "Not after that little stunt."

"I wouldn't either." Griff said, "Hell, I wouldn't even have dated her to begin with."

"Date who?" Mikey asked as he came through the front door.

"Liz," Griffin answered.

"Man, was she crazy?" Mikey laughed as he made his way to the fridge.

"Okay, Okay I get it," Dallas said, shaking his head. "Elizabeth was insane."

"Who was insane?" Noah asked entering the door.

They all turned, "Why is everyone just randomly showing up?" Dallas questioned.

"Because we can," Mikey said, eating a slice of leftover pepperoni pizza.

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