Chapter 3

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"Ella!" Esteé squealed from her room.

Ella set down the bowl she was washing, "Yeah?"

"I have a date tonight!"

"So?" She rolled her eyes.

Esteé slapped her shoulder playfully, "You know I've been waiting to go on a date with this man, Elle."

"Esteé you still haven't told me who he is yet."

Her friend winced, "You wouldn't be too happy if I told you."

Ella rolled her eyes, "If it's not Harry Styles you are fine."

Esteé kept a defensive expression plastered on her face, "It's Michael Carter, the drummer for Delirium."

Ella felt her jaw drop. " Delirium?"

Dallas. This meant she had to see the man that broke her. She straightened her posture, "That's wild Esteé."

Esteé offered her a sympathetic look, "Ella, I know that Dallas is the lead singer."

Ella put the red bowl away and leaned against the counter, "It's fine Esteé, I've been over Dallas for a while now."

"Great! Will you come with me, Elle?" She offered an innocent smile.

She huffed, "fine."

"Yes!" Esteé shouted, "I'll have Michael bring a friend."

Ella's eyes widened, "Absolutely not."

"Oh, don't be such a Debbie downer, Ella."

"Fine, he can invite anyone but Dallas."

"Okay, Okay, I'll inform Michael," Esteé replied.


The keys clicked away as Dallas typed. Getting writer's block was one of the worst things when it came to songwriting. Yet, figuring out the notes was the most difficult. All of his friends chattered away during practice. He cringed as Noah strummed the wrong cord. Ever since he had come across that old picture of Ella, she had been on his mind. He glanced up as Mikey barreled into the room. He appeared excited yet distraught. His brown eyes scanned the members and fell on Griffin. He pointed to him, "You, I need you for this."

Griffin was puzzled, "what for Mikey?"

"The girl I'm going on a date with is bringing a friend." He looked to Dallas, "Sorry Dal, I would bring you but her friend doesn't like you. Plus I don't think Liz would be too thrilled with me."

Dallas shrugged, "Not everyone loves perfection." The band gave him a blank stare. Griffin questioned Mikey about the date and the rest of the members continued to practice.

Dallas's brain felt as if it was rotting. Liz's contact appeared on his phone. He sat it on the table avoiding her call. He loved Liz but with their busy lives, it was difficult to have a normal relationship. Sometimes it felt as if they were just together for the publicity. Dallas and Liz both had relatable childhoods. Darren abandoned Dallas' mother, an infant Griffin, and himself when he was four. Clara remarried another man who would be a father figure seven months after her first divorce. Two years later she cheated and months later Clara gave birth to their half-sister, Huntleigh. She then divorced Clayton and left her children without another word. His stepfather became an alcoholic and died from an overdose when Dallas was nineteen.

Liz's stepmother would abuse her every time she was angry. When she came home from work, Liz's dad did something she was not fond of, or if she made a bad grade or simply stood up for herself. It angers him how people just do whatever they please. He takes a deep breath and gets up for a drink.

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