Chapter 6

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Ella laughed as Griffin explained a memory of his past. She took in his deep hazel eyes and his thick brown hair. He and Dallas had similar features. His frame was a bit smaller than Dallas's yet still well-built. He gazed into her eyes, "You have pretty eyes."

Her cheeks heated up, "Thank you."

Ella hoped that Griffin wouldn't rip her heart out. The recovery process had taken her forever from Dallas's betrayal.  Griffin was giving her the dimpled smile. The truth was she had always thought Griff was cute but there had never been any feelings there. She expected that she'd eventually gather feelings for him. They had only been together for two months and she was around Dallas more than she wanted to be, "Is Delirium taking a break Griff?"

"It's complicated," Griff said, taking a sip of his Coca-Cola.

Ella waited for him to add on. He said nothing else. She yearned to press for more information. She opened her mouth to ask then closed it again. He would have answered her if he wanted to. He flagged their waitress to get a receipt. She asked to have her picture taken with him. Ella took the photo then they were on their way.

They had been together for three months and she still hadn't felt anything strong for him. Ella crossed her arms during the uncomfortable silence. Just as if on queue a Delirium song came on the pop station. Dallas' deep voice carried through the car as he sang the lyrics to his song Wasted on her.  She tried to toon it out. She knew the song was about her because it described what had happened after she left.

Griff turned down the stereo, "The moment Dallas stepped into the limelight, he was loved by all. The media bashed my brother once they found out about his drinking problem."

"Dallas is an alcoholic?" Ella asked, stunned. She had remembered Griffin mentioning months ago about Dallas drinking. The old Dallas she remembered always hated that Darren and Clayton drank.

His grip tightened on the steering wheel, "Dallas was an alcoholic. He's fine now."

Somehow she didn't believe that. Her heart squeezed. She was still working up the courage to bring up their past. She propped her elbow on the armrest and stared out into the beyond.

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