3 - Sick.

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Haku coughed as he sat up on bed, feeling his body heat rising. It was unsual for Haku to feel this hot. He was feeling light headed also so he dragged his body to get the temometer on the drawer as he sat back down on his bed, breathing heavily.


"Hm.. I have a fever.." Haku mumbled and sighed. "But I have to get in class.. We have a test.. I could not miss it." As stubborn as a rock, he dragged his body to shower and get ready for school.


As Haku arrived at school, it's still early so he just went to his classroom and sat down as he lay his head on his desk. His cheeks were flushed red because of how hot his body is.

Hikaru then arrived and sat down next to Haku. "Goodmorning, Haku." Hikaru then noticed how timid Haku is. "Haku.. Are you alright? Are you sick?" He asked with concern as Haku just nod weakly. "Then why did you still came to school?!" Hikaru yelled as he panicked. "Relax.. It's just a fever and we have a test.." Haku mumbled with a low voice. "You know.. Sometimes you're just stupid. Come, let's go to the clinic-" Hikaru was caught of when he saw Haku glaring at him. "I don't need and want to. Leave me alone, Hikaru." Hikaru just sighed and just Pat Haku's back.


While Haku was doing his test, He couldn't focus well because of his sickness. He was dizzy and he just cope with his dizziness with water. Haku still managed to finish the exam as he rest his head on his desk.

"Haku.. You really need to go to the clinic.." "I don't need the clinic." Haku was still stubborn to give to the clinic. "But you really do need it.. You might suddenly faint-" Hikaru was caught if with Haku's fuss. "I don't need it Damn it!" Hikaru then just went silent.


It was finally lunch break and here's Hikaru.. Dragging Haku to the table where Kazuya and Phillip are. The duo was shocked seeing Haku sleeping on viets back. Kazuya quickly stood up to steal Haku from Hikaru as he glared at him.

"Let me handle him." Kazuya glared at Hikaru as he carried Haku on his Arms, Bridal style. "Alright then, I guess it just gonna be me and Phillip eating." Hikaru sat down next to Phillip, eating his lunch.

Kazuya then carried the sick Malaysian in his arms to the clinic. Kazuya know how Haku got sick and it wasn't the first time Haku overworked himself to death until he get sick and he know well that Haku is stubborn enough to refuse to be absent and say he's ok. Kazuya sighed.

"Oh, Haku.. Why are you doing this to yourself..." Kazuya mumbled as he arrived at the clinic with his sick beloved on his arms.

He set Haku on the bed as he sat on besides him as he let the nurse put an ice pack on Haku's forehead and check his temperature.

"It seems he has a Fever.. I have to send him home." The nurse told Kazuya. "I can take him home.. I don't mind skipping but please do contact me and his teacher that we'll be absent. I'll take care of him." Kazuya spoke with a soft voice as he glace at the sleeping Malaysian.

"I don't mind taking care of my beloved."

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