2 - Motivation.

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"I'm such a failure, Hikaru.." Haku cried on his seatmate aka Hikaru's shoulder.

Hikaru is Haku's Vietnamese classmate, Their also best friend because if their similar intrest.. Studying. but Hikaru is mostly known for being Phillip's "secret" boyfriend.

"Shut up.. You got a 24 out of 25 on the quiz." Hikaru groaned, He always just has to deal with Haku's cryings. "STILL NOT ENOUGH!!" Haku reasoned with his eyes filled with tears. Hikaru just sighed and let Haku cried on his shoulder because of his "Dissapointing score".

*School bell ringing.*

"Haku.. It's lunch break. Come on let's go to Phillip." Hikaru hurriedly stood up and pulled Haku to find Phillip. "You just miss him... Love birds." "Atleast I have a love life unlike you." "I'm study first!!!"

"I thought you like-" Hikaru was caught of when Haku covered his mouth. "LIKED! past is past." Hikaru just rolled his eyes, not buying it.

"You two look like siblings or couples there." Phillip then popped out if nowhere and laughed. "Anyways, I invited Kazuya to have lunch with us." Kazuya was glaring at Hikaru but when saw Haku, he then smiled.

Haku just smiled also as they went to the cafeteria.

"By the way... Haku was crying in my shoulder. He said he got a 24 out of 25 and told himself his a failure while I got 20 over 25." Hikaru mentioned as he smirked at Haku. "OMG, SHUT UP!" Haku cried.

"How is that a dissapointing score? That's already enough. It already a high score." Kazuya suddenly spoke. The table went silent as Phillip and Hikaru just smugly smiled as Haku looked at Kazuya.

"Don't look at me like that, Haku, Or I might melt because of you eyes." Kazuya flirted jokingly as he chuckled. "Yiee, kilig na si Haku~" Phillip joked also as Hikaru just laugh.

"Shut up." Haku mumbled as he continue to eat quietly.

"It's strange how Haku will take Kazuya's reassurances but ignore mine." Hikaru mentioned once again, He really tried to push Haku's buttons.

"Shut up. It's called favoritism." Haku mumbled.

"Favoritism.. He likes me more than Hikaru..?" Kazuya thought as his face turns slightly red.

"Oh? Why so red, Kazuya? Are imagining Haku shirtless? Wanna see his body?" Phillip joked which made Hikaru laughed.

"Ew.. Shut up Phillip." Both Haku and Kazuya mumbled but Kazuya do wants to see how Haku looks like without a shirt


"Haku!" Kazuya called out when Haku was just about to go home. "Kazuya?" Haku mumbled as Kazuya walked up to him. "Can I take you home?" Kazuya offered. "Uhm... sure."

While their both on the way to Haku's house, They were both silent until Kazuya spoke.

"You know.. You shouldn't be disappointed at your score. For me, That's already a high score and I know that you tried your best to perfect the quiz but listen.. You don't have to perfect everything, We all make mistakes and we're not perfect and always don't get perfect scores. You got 1 mistake and it's alright, It doesn't mean your dumb, a failure or a dissapointment.. For me.. Even if you make mistakes, You're already enough and perfect. So don't pressure yourself. But I know you can do your best. Just remember, Even if you make mistakes, There will still be someone who'll be proud of you and that is me."

Kazuya spoke with gentleness. Haku just stayed silent. When They arrived on Haku's door, When Kazuya was about to leave, Haku suddenly hugged him which made Kazuya's face flushed red.


"Kazuya... Thank you."

Haku mumbled as he went inside of his house, leaving Kazuya outside of his house, All red.

"Anything for you.. Haku."

Kazuya mumbled to himself as he smiled and walked off.

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