Chapter 3

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Nightpaw remembered as he drifted to sleep that he'd never given those cobwebs to Daisypelt... he panicked before he remembered how healthy and clean Daisypelt had been... she wasn't hurt at all? Was Crywing worried about leaving the she-cat unsupervised?

Nightpaw awoke to the sounds of panic and agony, Nightpaw rushed out of his den and in the clearing stood Daisypelt's dead body, sitting next to her was who he could only assume used to be Lilystar... the head of the cat was missing and there was a giant split in the cats stomach, the fur itself was the only clue he had... and if the other cat was Daisypelt it had to be their new leader. Nightpaw turned to the rock and saw a pair of glowing eyes staring at him... multiple, green eyes hid in the bushes as they cried "Daisypelt! Daisypelt!" what was going on? Suddenly a spark of lightning hit the ground as the sky turned red and everything went dark...

"Nightpaw! Are you ok?" Nightpaw awoke to Dangerpaw standing over him, he stood up and nodded at the she-cat "yeah, just a bad dream..." Dangerpaw stared in horror before speaking "but you're a medicine cat! That could have been a message!" Nightpaw rolled his eyes "I haven't even been to the Moon tree yet" Nightpaw padded out of the den as Dangerpaw continued to ask about his dream "but... Starclan knows you're a medicine cat already! Maybe they couldn't wait!" Nightpaw grabbed a mouse from the fresh-kill pile and sat down "then they would have sent it to Crywing and not me-" Dangerpaw dashed straight for the medicine cat den, hopefully speaking to Crywing would ease her nerves he thought as he munched on the mouse.

"Nightpaw!" Dangerpaw screamed across the clearing "Crywing wants to see you!" Nightpaw sighed, obviously Crywing had believed Dangerpaw. Nightpaw stood up and padded towards Crywing's den.

"Hello Crywing... you wanted to see me?" Crywing turned around, that horrified look on his face again. "Tell me what you saw" he croaked. Nightpaw explained what had occurred in his dream that night, Crywing went from horrified to Petrified "Nightpaw... if Starclan sent that dream to you it must be important... perhaps I should have told Lilystar about it sooner" Nightpaw tilted his head "what do you mean? Did you get that dream too?" Crywing nodded his head "yes... its why I was so scared when they made Daisypelt into a warrior... that chanting... the bloodshed... those eyes..." Crywing shook his head, and turned to Nightpaw "I have to talk to Lilystar, can you collect some catmint? We'll need it soon, it's almost that season again..." Nightpaw nodded, this was a chance for Flameclaw to show him that thing.

Nightpaw bounded over to Flameclaw "hello!" he mewed, Flameclaw turned around with his teeth bared, when he realised it was Nightpaw he relaxed "I'm going out to collect catmint, do want to join me?" Flameclaw nodded and fell in place next to Nightpaw, he noticed a strange coolness in the warrior's eyes... his eyes...

The fierce warrior led Nightpaw down the border between Thunderclan and Shadowclan before finally stopping "would you look at that" Nightpaw looked and noticed a dead Shadowclan warrior on Thunderclan territory "uh... what, what's this?" Flameclaw looked at Nightpaw and smiled, he stood up and walked over to the warrior "This is the scent I've been following; they've been wondering around in Thunderclan territory for a while... now we have proof." Nightpaw was confused, what would this prove? All of a sudden, a vicious roar came from the bushes as a warrior from Shadowclan jumped out at Flameclaw, but it wasn't long before the warrior was planted on the ground "Shadowclan! How surprising..." Flameclaw growled at the warrior before swiftly shredding their throat open "Flameclaw! What are you doing!?" Flameclaw turned around "Don't worry, it won't be long now" Nightpaw stared horrified as blood dripped from Flameclaw's paw "why don't we grab that catmint now..." Nightpaw nodded and the two silently disappeared into the forest's long overgrowth.

When the two cats returned to camp, they saw blood and clumps of fur laying around everywhere, and in the middle of it all was Lilystar's headless body and Foxleap's bodyless head. Nightpaw screeched as a jet-black cat with piercing green eyes latched onto him and dragged him to the ground, he quickly pushed the cat off and they fell unable to keep their balance "Nightpaw!" he turned around just in time to watch Daisypelt push Crywing down into the nursery "Daisypelt! What are you doing?!" Daisypelt turned around and huffed "keeping that Mouse-brained fool from dying! Now leave me be I have Shadowclan cats to fight!" Nightpaw sighed in relief, she had only been saving him... Nightpaw rushed into the nursery to check on Crywing and the Queens "Nightpaw come with me we must leave" Crywing bolted past Nightpaw and dashed behind the nursery, Nightpaw followed him. "Oh, my Starclan! Crywing screamed as the two cats stood in horror, A young kit was bleeding as the other coward in fear... standing over them was The Shadowclan leader... alongside... Daisypelt "Finish this fool, Daisypelt" Deathstar smirked as Daisypelt jumped at Crywing and tore into his pelt letting the blood stain her coat "Daisypelt!" a voice growled as Flameclaw came rushing out of the clearing, he tumbled into the she-cat as the two fought viciously. Nightpaw looked back to see Deathstar running for the exit with the kit in her mouth, quickly Nightpaw dashed forward to chase the she-cat when out of nowhere the jet-black Shadowclan cat lunged at the leader and tore her eyes out, Nightpaw ran forward and grabbed the kit in his mouth as he ran away, he heard the cat say something "this ends now mother! We leave or you die!" after the warrior said this a sharp yowl sounded as the Shadowclan cats fled the camp.

A victorious howl sounded through out the camp... but their leader had died again and this time there was no deputy to take their place... Nightpaw turned back to the nursery where he saw Flameclaw dragging the dead body of Daisypelt out into the clearing. Cats gathered around to look at the mauled body "cats of Thunderclan, today we stand with a traitor laid dead in front of us, Daisypelt died breaking the warrior code and betraying her clan... and she is responsible for the death of Bluekit and Crywing..." the cats all yowled in pain as heavy drops of rain hit the camp. 

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