Chapter 5 Middle half

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Nightfoot sat still as the wind finally started to rush through the camp and cats woke from their slumber.

"Oh my!" a Queen dashed out of the nursery "Nightfoot!" he stood there awkwardly as the queen stopped in front of him "Fireflight?" Nightfoot felt his body tense up, he suspected what might be happening, but he'd never got the chance to learn about how to take care of the clan's medical needs... what was he supposed to do?

"Its Brackenleaf!" The queen didn't say another word, they both knew what was going on... and Brackenleaf needed help... but Nightfoot couldn't... he didn't know what he was doing at all! "I'll help if you need any help" Nightfoot turned to see Weaslepaw, she stared desperately at him.

"Alright... lets go" Nightfoot, Fireflight and Weaslepaw rushed to the nursery to help Brackenleaf.

It felt like 2 moons had passed, everything was so intense... but in the end Brackenleaf successfully gave birth to 4 healthy kits... Foxkit, Ashkit, Bluekit and Ryekit.

The queen sat licking her kits as they mewed softly, Nightfoot saw Weaslepaw's face light up... Nightfoot sighed and left the nursery...

He stared in disbelief as the morning patrol rushed into the clearing, Whitepelt gripped a mysterious cat in his jaws... that mystery cat became more familiar the closer Whitepelt got to Nightfoot... it was Riverclan's medicine cat Finefoot! "Nightfoot! We found Finefoot while we were patrolling the Thunderclan to Riverclan border when we saw his body laying on our side of the scent markings" Nightfoot stared at the medicine cat's limp body... although, he still breathed chances were he wasn't conscious anymore... He shook his head as Finefoot's chest stopped rising and falling, Whitepelt put his ear to the cat's chest to make sure he was dead before they decided what to do... "we should've been quicker... what are we going to tell Riverclan?" Nightfoot stared blankly at the dead cat... Nothing... He thought to himself... they couldn't tell Riverclan, they'd only hurt them... Riverclan and Thunderclan hadn't gotten along ever since Streamstar had become leader, for some reason she didn't like Ragestar or his kin... knowing her beloved Medicine cat was dead... the things she'd do to them...

"Nightfoot..." He turned around to see Flamestar... again... "We need to talk... Whitepelt, take Finefoot back to the border where you found him.... it's better this way" Whitepelt nodded and proceeded to pick up Finefoot's body once more.

Flamestar flicked his tail to usher Nightfoot forward as they entered the leader's den "I think you should be a warrior..." Nightfoot stood still, he wanted to ask why... but he couldn't even open his mouth "Shadowtail was a medicine cat many moons back, he said it would be better if someone else were the medicine cat..." Flamestar turned away from Nightfoot and continued talking "even without being taught... or sharing tongues with Starclan Medicine cats, Weaslepaw did better than you have ever since you became the medicine cat... do you even know what your doing? Have you even received a single sign from Starclan yet?" Flamestar paused, turning around and walking up to Nightfoot he snarled "What are you good for?" he hissed as his tough body pushed Nightfoot off his feet, Flamestar huffed and left the den without another word...

Why would he say something like that? Nightfoot couldn't believe Flamestar had actually said any of that... there was no way that was the same cat who he'd played with in the nursery... or trained with... what if he's right? What am I good for? His tail dragged across the floor as he sluggishly walked across the camp towards the apprentice den... he didn't know why, but he walked right in...

"Weaslepaw..." he stared bug eyed at Weaslepaw as she trotted over to Nightfoot "yes Nightfoot? Did you need help with something?" her ears pricked up; he hated it... the way he felt... he knew she was better than him, she was only just over 6 moons... and she was already better than him in every way... "I think Flamestar wants to see you... I don't know when, but soon..." Weaslepaw's ears drooped down as the young she-cat stared at Nightfoot... without a word he left... maybe all he needed was a good run, and so he darted out of the camp onto the thick wet grass that covered the ground.

After what felt like forever Nightfoot finally made it to the edge of Thunderclan's territory, He looked at the huge Twoleg nest that stood right outside of their territory... there he saw a young she-cat playing with a very young kit... only a moon or 2 old he thought, Nightfoot frowned as he disappeared into the thick bracken that surrounded him... something wasn't right... but he couldn't figure out what... Nightfoot sat in the thick bracken for quite a while... Eventually he fell asleep.... He needed a nap.

"Bloodshed rules your clan and Traitors run free!"

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