Chapter 5: final part

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"Nightfoot! I finally found you!" he jumped with a fright when he realised it was a Shadowclan cat.

"Who are you!?" he snarled, he could feel his fur standing on end as he arched over and hissed.

"It's me, Snowripple... ShadowClan's old deputy..." Nightfoot looked at the skinny and weak she-cat with astonishment... is this really THE Snowripple?

"What are you doing on Thunderclan territory?" He tried to sound intimidating, but something told him there was no need...

"I was kicked out of Shadowclan by Deathstar... I ran into Pantherclan's territory.. they let me hunt there... but, Deathstar attacked them... she's stolen their kits, and they blame me!" Snowripple's voice broke as she flattened herself and hid behind her tail.

"Stealing kits? Why would they do that!?" Nightfoot felt his claws flex as he imagined the horrible scene... "but why come to me?"

"you're a medicine cat... right?" She stared at him her eyes betrayed her fear towards him...

"I am... but what does that have to do with anything?" Nightfoot remembered the dream he'd had about the Kit and illsong... is this what the dream had meant?

"I need you to talk to Flamestar... or... just anyone! You're a medicine cat! They'll help us- Pantherclan if you do!"

"I'm sorry Snowripple... you'll have to talk with Weaslepaw... they won't listen to me..." the memory of Flamestar telling him he wasn't good enough still tore at his pelt...

"Please! Pantherclan needs help! They... they lost the skyclan leader... ForestStar is dead... Cloudstar can't control them... please..." The pain in the she cat's voice tore into him, he wanted to help... no... he HAD to help.

"Alright, come on... I'll take you to Flamestar, he'll help... there's no way he wouldn't..." Nightfoot sighed as the she cats rose to her feet and started dashing towards the Thunderclan camp.

When the two cats arrived, Silverpelt had begun to shine brightly.

"Nightfoot!" Flamestar walked towards the two cats, his ember eyes blazing with anger "why have you bought Snowripple to our camp?"

"She comes with a serious crisis... Skyclan's Leader has died... battling Shadowclan..." Nightfoot shivered as he waited for Flamestar to answer.

"And? How is that our problem?" Flamestar snorted as cats gathered around them.

"Deathstar is planning to do the same to every clan... if you help Pantherclan, you help yourselves as well" Snowripple stood tall... despite her obvious hunger, she was still strong... perhaps she had been eating better than he thought...

"Very well... we will help... not for the sake of Pantherclan... but for the sake of ourselves" Flamestar grunted "although I don't really know what you want us to do..."

"Save Pantherclan's kits... please..." Snowripple sniffed as a pang of fear struck her and multiple other cats.

"Looks like we won't have to go far..." Nightfoot turned to see what had caught the clan's attention... Shadowclan!

"Deathstar!" growled Flamestar as he attacked the blind Shadowclan leader.

Nightfoot ran to help but was quickly stopped by a dark gray tom, who quickly tackled Nightfoot and started tearing at his fur.

Nightfoot kicked the warrior with his back legs and bit the warrior's shoulder, with a yowl the Warrior quickly fled the clearing into the thick bramble.

"Nightfoot! Help me!" he turned to see Weaslepaw fighting the Shadowclan Deputy as he tried desperately to raid the nursery. Nightfoot growled and pounced onto the Dark warrior, with all his might he tried to stop the Deputy... but He was flung off, all he could do was watch as illsong rushed into the nursery and viciously slashed at the queens.

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