Chapter 1 - Written in Sharpies

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[AN: Hey there! I'm not very good at writing stories, so if there's anything that needs fixing, please let me know. I'll do my best to improve it. Thanks for reading!]

{Little side notes: In this AU, the paper school is a normal school with no murderous teachers. That said, Miss Circle and Miss Bloomie do not have weapon arms. Alice doesn't live in the school either, and Oliver doesn't know who she is.}
The blaring of an alarm clock filled the room. The blares were loud, loud enough to wake someone up. Well, that is the reason why alarms were invented. Upon the click of the 'off' button, the alarm immediately shuts off.

A light groan could be heard from the darkened room, followed by the blanket rustling as the person who laid upon it got off the bed.

Entering the bathroom, Claire looked at herself in the mirror. Her hair was disheveled, and she had the look of someone who had just got up from bed. That was exactly the case.
She looked at herself a bit more, before leaving to shower.

The first day of the semester is always the most tiring one. Usually because students get used to waking up late in the afternoon during the long break, and to having to abruptly wake up early in the morning becomes unusual and a hassle. It's also because it's the day school starts again.
For some, it's one of the worst days of their lives. But for others, it's not that bad.

Going back to school means you can see your friends again. That was the part Claire was excited about - Especially after not seeing Engel or her friends for like a year long.

After using her towel to dry herself, She temporarily wrapped the towel around her body to cover herself. She walked up to the sink and brushed her teeth, just like any other day. Afterwards, she went out of the bathroom and got her clothes from the closet.

The school didn't really give uniforms, so she could wear anything she wanted. She decided to wear her favorite white polo shirt and some shorts, accompanied with her jacket. And of course, you could not forget the green bow.

As she walked out of her room, she was greeted by a little Moemoe. The black cat followed her to the kitchen, where she prepared a light breakfast for herself; and a cat breakfast for little Moe.
After breakfast, she prepared her green bag and filled it with all the necessities. Notebooks, pencil case, books, a water bottle, all that stuff.
Once she was all ready, she wore her backpack and looked in the mirror one last time to fix any problems in her attire.

"I'm gonna get going now, Moemoe. Be a good cat while I'm gone, okay?" Claire smiled as she spoke to the black cat, crouching down and petting it on the head. The little cat meowed, and sat down on the floor as Claire opened the door.
"I'll be back soon. Love ya."
Claire walked down the neighborhood, her hands holding the straps of her backpack. Although she was excited to start school again, she was a little nervous. It felt like the first day of school all over again.
Of course, she'd get bullied by Oliver, Zip and Edward again. She really didn't like them, but there's not much she could do about them. Though, those thoughts were reassured by the fact she'd be able to hang out with Engel and Bubble again. Surely they'd protect her if that happens.
At last, she finally got to the Paper school with some time to spare.
She went into the school. As she did, her first thoughts were to go to her locker. So, she did.
There was no surprise that there would be writings made of marker on the door of her locker, words such as 'Loser' and other insults being written on the surface.
She sighed, immediately knowing that it was the work of Zip and Oliver. She'd have to clean that up later.


As she put her stuff in the locker, she heard a familiar voice call out to her. Her expression brightened, as she looked to whoever called to her.

Engel smiled and waved, running up to her. Bubble followed suit, holding some of her books.

"Hey there! How have you been? Did you get enough sleep today? Looking a bit tired there." Engel chuckled as he pointed out Claire's tired morning appearance.

"Oh, I'm fine. Don't worry. Just a bit tired because it's the first day of school and all." Claire gave a friendly smile to him, chuckling sheepishly as she got her notebook and pen from the locker.

"That's good." Engel smiled back, not really knowing how to proceed with the conversation.
"Let's walk to class together. Our first class is with Miss Thavel. It should start in about 10 minutes, though." Engel sighed in relief when Bubble spoke, looking at her in a small appreciative way. Bubble nodded in response.
"Oh, sure!" Claire nodded as well.
-I'm sure I'll be fine.

Nom, yum
Nom, yum
Nom, yum
In the faculty room, the loud sounds of someone munching on oreos could be heard.
Miss Circle had a weird addiction to oreos, but no one really questioned it. Except for Miss Bloomie.

The short science teacher was sorting through her materials, trying to concentrate on doing whatever she was doing. Though, the loud sounds of the math teacher eating oreos were not doing well for the grumpy Bloomie.

"Circle, could you please eat quieter? Some of us are trying to concentrate on doing their own thing." Miss Bloomie spoke, shooting a glare at the math teacher.
"Hmm? Nah." Miss Circle smiled to tease Miss Bloomie, eating her oreos much louder than before.

Miss Bloomie grew frustrated at the oreo-eating demon.
"Seriously, why do you like those things so much? It's unreal that you haven't gotten a health problem yet, because I see you eat those things more frequently than I should."

"It's yummy." The Miss Circle said, her mouthful of oreos.
"Don't talk while eating. It's disgusting." Miss Bloomie grimaced a bit in disgust.

Miss Thavel watched as the two bickered. It was just a normal school morning for them.

The language teacher was about to put away some unimportant papers, when a little surprise was presented upon her.

When she opened the drawer to her desk, an unusual letter sat there, waiting for her to open it.
Filled with curiosity, Miss Thavel gently took the note and inspected it, front and back.

The envelope the letter was held in seemed a bit old, which was rare to see in the modern era today. Wax sealed? Who does that nowadays? Might as well just text.

As she thought about who the sender might be, or what the letter itself could be about, a certain somebody popped up in her mind. She might have an idea on who sent such a mysterious letter.

Distracted in her thoughts, Miss Thavel didn't hear the bell ring for the start of class.

"Thavel. Are you okay?" Miss Bloomie's question snapped the language teacher out of her state of deep thinking, as she immediately turned to look at the shorter teacher.

"Ah, sorry. I was just thinking about something." Miss Thavel slid out of her chair, walking up to the two teachers who were waiting at The faculty door for her, leaving the note in her drawer; Though, the thoughts about the strange letter lingered in her mind.
-I'll look into that later.

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