Chapter 3 - Puppet Play

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Miss Bloomie had always had a sharp eye for things, especially changes in behavioral patterns.

This was proven further because of her concern for Miss Thavel, who was acting strange since the first day of the new semester.

Of course, it could easily be because of another reason such as stress or the students, but Miss Bloomie had a feeling it was something else.

Something more..
"Blooomiee." The science teacher turned back to look at the math teacher, who was bending down to nearly match her eye-level.

"What is it now, Circle?" Bloomie said with narrow eyes. Though, she is already familiarized with the math teacher's antics.

"Nothing. But have you seen Thavel? I swear, that teacher keeps wandering off to places."

Miss Bloomie thought about it for a second. She hasn't seen Thavel check in yet, which was strange.

"She's probably running late. Don't think too much about it." Miss Bloomie reached a guess as to why Thavel was unusually gone.

"Mm, okay then. Let's go eat some oreos together, shall we?"

"I'm tired of you and your oreos."
The second day of the semester wasn't all that bad. Claire got to spend some quality time with her friends, and she thinks her grades are finally going up.

The only problem, of course..
were the bullies.
Of course it would be the bullies.
They always seemed to target her for some reason.
It's weird.
"Hey guys, what's your next class?" Claire asked as she walked alongside her friends in the slightly crowded hallway.

"I've got science next, you?" Engel said, looking at the two.

"I've got math."

"Looks like we're gonna have to split up a bit." Engel chuckled.

Claire nodded, "Yeah."

Truth be told, Claire was a little nervous to part with Engel and Bubble. Can you guess why? Of course, because of the bullies.

She was silently hoping that the bullies wouldn't be there to bother her, but then again, being in an entirely unfamiliar class also made her nervous. It was a new semester, after all.

Through her nervousness and deep thinking, she felt a comforting hand pat her back.
"Hey, you okay?" Engel said with a tinge of concern.

"Huh? Oh, yeah. I'm good. I'll see you guys later, then." Claire said with a sheepish smile, waving her hand and walking away from the two once they reached a near distance from the math classroom.

"See ya!" Engel waved goodbye to her, as he walked with Bubble to science class.
Bubble could see the worry in Engel's expression as they parted with Claire. The schedule for all of the students are different to make it easier for the teachers, but it was quite annoying when you don't get into the same class as your friends.

"Engel?" Bubble spoke up, which caused Engel to turn his head to her.

"What is it, Bubs?" Engel attempted to hide his worry, but it seeped through his voice and expression.

"You're worried for Claire, aren't you?" Engel chuckled sheepishly at Bubble's words. Looks like he was caught red-handed.

"Yeah.. You could tell?"

"Of course I can. It's as clear as day."

He gave her a nervous smile before sighing.

"Claire's gonna be alone for this subject. What if the bullies come to bother her again?" Engel spoke, looking at the floor.

Classroom Madness: Parasite Panic! [FPE AU]Where stories live. Discover now