Chapter 4 - Lost and Found

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Claire and Lana decided to use some of the time in math class to look for Abbie.

After hopelessly searching for him in the classroom, they decided to take a walk down the hallway in hopes of finding the student.

"What does he even look like?" Claire asked, looking to Lana, who was playing with her sock puppets while walking.

"Oh? Short, black haired, little apple stem on his head, cute.." Lana said, trying to think of more things to describe Abbie with.

"Cute?" Claire raised an eyebrow at that, but decided to let it slide. "Nevermind."

Claire made sure to have an eye out for any students that match Lana's description, despite the description itself being quite vague.
After a while of walking, Claire's ears caught the sounds of Zip and Oliver bullying someone. Trust me, she knows what that sounds like.

After deciding a bit on what she should do, she finally decided to go and check.

"Hey, I'm just gonna check something out." Claire said, looking at the direction of the sounds.

"Mind if I come with?" Lana smiled.

"Ha. What a loser." Oliver snickered, his arms crossed as a smirk rose on his face.

"Haha! Yeah, no wonder you get such bad grades." Zip laughed along with Oliver, crumpling a paper and throwing it at the poor student.

Oliver and Zip were bullying someone again, and it seems that Edward was in science class. Edward would never skip science class, since that was his favorite subject.

Claire peeked from the wall and saw Oliver and Zip making fun of a student who was crying because of them. Poor guy.

Lana also peeked, and made a small gasp. "It's Abbie!"

Claire looked at Lana for a second with a surprised expression, before turning back to the student. Seems like they ended up finding him after all.

"..I suppose we should go and help him." Claire sighed. She knew how much of a hassle it was to deal with the bully duo.

"Mhm. Don't worry, I got your back!" Claire smiled at Lana's reassuring words, and nodded.
"Hey, you two! Don't you guys have anything better to do than to bully?" Claire said, speaking with a confident demeanor. Though inside, she was quite nervous.

"Oh look, it's Dora the Explorer. I could recognize that cut anywhere. What, got it from Walmart or something?" Oliver didn't really expect them to get caught, but he kept that smirk on his face as his body turned to look at Claire.

"Tryna be a hero or something?" Zip laughed, turning slightly to Claire.

It was obvious what their intentions were. To annoy them, of course. As much as possible.

Claire felt annoyed at the insults, but kept going strong. She was doing this for the sake of Abbie.

"Hey! Let my friend go, he did nothing wrong!" Lana butted in, to Claire's slight surprise.

Oliver chuckled.
"You're friends with these losers? Whatever, you fit in with them anyways. What, trying to make a club that consists of idiots or something?"

Lana frowned. She really didn't like bullies, especially if they bullied her friends. They were bullying Abbie.

Zip looked over at Lana, a smirk tugging at her face.
"Sock Puppets? What, are you 9 or something? I bet you write using crayons instead of a pen."

Claire got mad that they were starting to insult Lana as well. She didn't like when they targeted her friends.
"Hey, you're the one to talk. You've got drawings of crayons littered on your outfit, and you can't even do basic math! '2+2=8'? Ha." Claire shot back at them, crossing her arms. What a comeback..

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