21. Let me help you!

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"Sehun, please tell me about all of this." Baekhyun said with pleasing tone.

"Fine. Only because you knows Chanyeol's identity. The one who attacked you both were Shinjung and Syungnim. Chanyeol has gone to kill him because if today he survives he will bring misery to all of us who are here."

"What about Chanyeol? How could he do that?"

"Chanyeol isn't innocent how you thinks. If has been trained for this from his father. When he was 15 years old." With that Sehun also said the matter with Syungnim and his father.

Baekhyun was shocked but at that moment the most important thing was Chanyeol.

"Please Sehun, I am feeling uneasy. Let's go where Chanyeol is."

"Sorry, I can't do that. He will kill me if he finds out. He has strictly informed me to keep you here."

"Sehun!! Please!! For now forget everything and think about Chanyeol as a friend. You would help. Right?"

"Alright. But please Protect yourself. Chanyeol told me if anything happens to you, he wouldn't bare."

Both Baekhyun and Sehun entered the base in which mission was.

"Mr. Kim, where is Chanyeol?" Sehun asked seeing the group but the leader missing.

"I don't know. He isn't even responding." Mr. Kim said.

Baekhyun shivered with fear.

"Sehun what i-if anything bad has happened?" Baekhyun his eyes shining with tears.

"Don't worry. He will handle it."

"Please... We should look for him."

With this the group separated for finding their leader. They even handed Baekhyun a gun. Though he was not experienced but he knew how to have a perfect aim. Je searched frantically but couldn't see his beloved just some corpses lying lifelessely. Though others went to highest floor. Baekhyun was just going downstairs. He saw an iron door. He tried opening it but failed. It can open with the help of password only. He went deep in his thoughts.

"Come on, Baek, think about Chanyeol, you have to find him. That Syungnim.... How about his most important even it's date?" He muttered.

He tried three combinations but failed and then he deep breathed.

"Syungnim has always been associated with my father."He recalled every moment which could give a possible clue and then he did one. The door opened. He rushed. He saw Chanyeol on the ground. The look on his face gave him a firm idea that something is wrong and then he saw Syungnim holding knife. He panicked but for the sake of his beloved's life. He shot him with all his might. Then he rushed to Chanyeol who screamed his name after knowing him. He was not foolish enough to threw the gun, he tucked it and went to him in hurry.

-----------------End of Flashback-----------------

"Chanyeol are you alright?" Baekhyun said his hands roaming to check he is injured.

Chanyeol grabbed his hands and said with an unclear noise.

"W-what are you.... d-doing here?"

Baekhyun didn't replied. He grabbed one hand of Chanyeol and placed it behind his neck and supported him. They both went outside.

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