5 - Ghosting, Monster Night, and Ex-Friends (February - Part 1 - 2022)

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February is a short month, that's true. Though so much happened, I'm going to have to split it into two parts.

The second of February, I was meeting Marcello after work in Dalston Junction for our second date. We called it "Negroni Night" as we were planning on drinking only negronis. The night was great; I was tipsy, but the conversations were deep. I asked him how he knew my ex, Vlad, and he told me they dated back in 2018. He also said that Vlad was the weirdest guy he ever dated, which I understood in some ways but, in another weird way, made me feel sad for him. I told Marcello that I would never say anything but nice stuff about that weird ex of mine. Then, the night finished with me ordering fried chicken and hailing a cab while kissing him. It was a good second date, however, I still didn't know what to do with it as it still felt like something was missing.

The next day, I was at the office and went to Blair's after work. She was with Carolina, quite tipsy already. I said that I would not drink much that night. (How wrong was I? You'll see). We talked about Blair's depression that she was still going through. We finished a spell of good luck, the three of us together, a spell we started back in October by mixing herbs and glitter together. That night was dedicated to finishing it, as we had to wait three months before opening the box again and spreading the luck. We felt good afterward. We had conversations about TV series and holidays. We'd like to spend it together in Portugal next summer. I left Blair's place around 11 p.m., which was actually a first for me to be able to leave so early at night with these women. On my way home, Gabriel and Aphrodite wouldn't stop calling and texting me to go to a party with Jim, his friend Ben, and other people. I was refusing, as I promised myself to be in bed early that night. After thirty minutes of harassment from them, I asked for the postcode, as I was sure they were far and I could escape it. WRONG! They were very close to my place, so I decided to go. Long story short, they were all drunk and I had a few drinks there. Ethan, one of Jim's friends, offered me a bag of weed when I said that I was running out and Gabriel pushed him like "help us". It was funny, and we got free weed. We were back home around 4 a.m.

Friday finally arrived after that whole week out, and the weekend was also packed with events. Edouard was in London, Bree's birthday was Saturday night in Stoke Newington, and I invited a couple of friends to come with me to the Monster Queen party at Electrowerkz that Friday night. Gabriel was at a birthday party of a rich friend of his at Beefbar in Knightsbridge. Neil, Candice, and Francesca came to my place quite early and we started to drink wine and spirits in a very good vibe, dancing and singing around. They were all excited to go to the party. We got there around 11 p.m., and besides a little problem with Candice concerning a COVID test, everything went well, and we got in for free in just a few minutes. Monster Queen is an electro/techno party with a Berlin vibe and all the underground and monsters' rules of London.

Basically, all my friends were shocked. Me wearing leather pants started to make sense to them. People were wearing crazy makeup and outfits. Men wearing chains with heels and women wearing feathers, fake blood, and wigs. The shots were served with needles; everybody was high, and also my ex was there. The gals left an hour and a half after we arrived. I stayed with Neil and met most of the hosts of the party. I was having ketamine with them and mostly dancing in and smoking outside. Neil left after a second key of Ket, and I was there dancing until 6 a.m.

The Saturday morning was terrible, especially waking up. I was late to meet Edouard and Neil in a bar in Angel for a couple of drinks. I was late for like two hours and a half, so I obviously arrived two hours late to my friend Bree's birthday. I stayed there for like an hour before going home. Gabriel was here, and we ended up rolling a massive joint that left us to sleep until Sunday night, which also was my third date with Marcello. We met at Eataly in Liverpool Street, but in the end, decided to go to a small Italian restaurant that wasn't serving alcohol on Commercial Street. Then, I brought him home. He met Gabriel, we were talking until I took him to my room. And then... nothing happened. No sexual connection, from my side. He tried a few times very gently. We smoked and then would be too high to do something. That's how I understood what was this missing thing: the sexual attraction. When he left around 2 a.m., I was like "ok, it's not going to work" so I decided to stop dating him. It was only three dates, so I didn't feel obligated to justify myself, though we will be friends and keep nice relationships. I think.

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