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"Do you really have to go?" Kirby St

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"Do you really have to go?" Kirby St. Clair asked her older brother, Lucas, as she helped him pack a suitcase. "I can't leave Laura alone. You know this Kirby." Lucas scolded her as he zipped up his bag.

"But are you really going to leave Derek in charge?" Kirby complains. Lucas laughs ruffling his sister's hair. He chuckled once more under his breath before sitting down on the bed. "I'll be home before the next full moon. I promise, Katherine."

Kirby hated when he used her real name, it meant he was serious. It was the same trick her parents would use on her when she was little, when she wanted to be normal.

She didn't say a word, only sat down next to him. "I won't be gone long, okay? If someone knows something about who caused the fire don't you think we should get closure?" He asked her quietly. Kirby nodded and pulled her brother into a hug.

Laura Hale knocked on the door letting herself into the room causing both siblings to look up at her. "Are you done packing?" She asked Lucas to stand up and grab his bag. "Here you go." He said to her, kissing Laura's cheek. "Come on, Kirby."

"Wait, Lucas." Kirby shouts out as she reaches over and grabs a leather bracelet with the triskele on it and their last name under it. "Your bracelet." She hands it to him, and he smiles while putting it on. "Thanks Kirby."

Derek and Kirby stood next to each other outside of the apartment shared by the two families. They watched as Lucas and Laura packed their car before walking over to say goodbye. "Watch out for each other, okay?" Laura said to them, "Derek's in charge and before you fight me on it, Kirby, he's older."

Kirby huffed as Derek nudged her side with a smirk. "I'll take care of her if you take care of my sister, Lucas." Derek said, causing Lucas and Laura to laugh. "Eh, I like her." Lucas said, throwing his arm around her shoulder.

"I hate you."

"You love me." Lucas said, kissing her cheek. Laura took a step away to pull Derek to the side giving the St. Clair's siblings some time alone. "I promise, I'll be home for the next full moon. You wont't have to do it alone." Lucas reassured her. "Take care of yourself." Kirby told her brother.

Lucas pulled Kirby into a hug as both siblings held back tears. "Don't do anything stupid while I'm gone." Lucas told her. "You're taking all the stupid with you." Kirby answered, "I love you Lu."

"I love you, Kirby."

"Kirby. Kirby. Katherine Rose St. Clair, wake up!" Kirby jumped in her seat as she turned to look at Derek, noticing the dark sky surrounding their car. "We're here already?" She asked, rubbing her eyes, "Where are we exactly?"

Derek opened his car door not answering her as he walked out of the car. Kirby followed him out of the car as she stared up at the burnt house that once belonged to the Hales and the St. Clairs.

Sadness washed over her as memories flashed in her head of seeing her parents for the last time pushing her out of the window. "We're staying here?" Kirby asked as Derek grabbed their bags from the trunk.

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