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As Lydia and Kirby approached Lydia's locker, the air felt tense, the weight of unspoken tension hanging between them

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As Lydia and Kirby approached Lydia's locker, the air felt tense, the weight of unspoken tension hanging between them. "You okay?" Lydia inquired softly, noticing Kirby's fixation on her phone. Kirby's eyes remained glued to the screen as she responded, "What do you mean?" Lydia gently reached for Kirby's phone, prompting her to look up. "You won't look up from your phone," Lydia pointed out, a hint of concern in her voice, before grabbing Kirby's phone.

Kirby, now slightly flustered, reclaimed her phone, her grip tightening around it. "What do you do when someone in your family is ignoring you?" she pondered aloud, her gaze flickering between Lydia and her phone. Lydia, sensing the gravity of the situation, leaned in closer, her curiosity piqued. "You ignore them back? Why is this worth my energy to think about?" she questioned, her tone empathetic yet direct.

Realization dawned on Kirby as she processed Lydia's words. "You're right. We are supposed to be ruling the school, not worrying about others," she admitted with a faint smile, attempting to alleviate the tension.

Their moment was interrupted by an announcement over the intercom, diverting their attention momentarily."Attention students, this is your principal. I know you're all wondering about the incident that occurred last night on one of our buses. While the police work to determine what happened, classes will proceed as scheduled. Thank you."

Lydia couldn't help but scoff at the school's priorities, remarking, "You'd think this school would care more about a random killing outside instead of our studies." Kirby chimed in with a cynical chuckle as they continued their journey to class, a brief moment of solidarity amidst the chaos.


"Mr. Stilinski, if that's your idea of a hushed whisper, you might want to pull the earphones out once in a while. I think you and Mr. McCall would benefit from a little distance. Yes?" Mr. Harris's voice cut through the classroom, interrupting Scott and Stiles's conversation about the bus. He gestured towards two vacant seats on either side of the room, prompting Scott and Stiles to stand and move to their new positions. "Let me know if the separation anxiety gets to be too much."

"Please not here," Kirby murmured to herself, hoping to avoid further attention. Mr. Harris's inquiry directed at her caused her to glance to her side, where she noticed Stiles taking the seat next to her. "Nothing. It doesn't matter," she replied, attempting to dismiss the situation.

Stiles leaned in, his voice barely above a whisper. "Look, I know you don't like me," he began. Kirby muttered a retort under her breath, prompting Stiles to groan. "I didn't mean to dig up your brother's body. I'm sorry," he whispered, his words intended only for her ears.

Kirby's anger boiled over as she confronted Stiles, her voice laced with resentment. "You not only dug up my brother's body, which I had to bury myself - you ruined his grave. You also got Derek arrested for something he didn't do. And finally, you didn't think that I'm trying to save your idiotic friend," she hissed at him, her frustration evident.

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