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Derek moved like a shadow, gently draping a blanket over Kirby's sleeping form

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Derek moved like a shadow, gently draping a blanket over Kirby's sleeping form. A photo on her nightstand caught his eye: a snapshot of happier times, a month before tragedy struck. Kirby's sixth birthday. Her dad beamed, holding her tight,while a playful argument unfolded between her mom and brother in the background.

A creak on the stairs. Derek froze. Then, a sleepy but determined voice broke the silence. "Derek?"

Kirby stood framed in the doorway, blonde hair a messy halo. Lucas's oversized sweatshirt hung loosely on her small frame.

"Where are you going?" she asked, her brow furrowed. Derek's silence spoke volumes, and Kirby's shoulders slumped."I'm coming with you. Let me just get my shoes."

"Stay here," Derek cut in, his voice firm.

Kirby's defiance flared. She crossed her arms, chin jutting out. "I'm not a little kid anymore. Let me help!" Her voice rose slightly, then dipped back down, an echo of her frustration.

Derek's jaw clenched. "It's safer if you stay put."

"Safer for you, you mean?" Kirby's voice dripped with sarcasm. A humorless laugh escaped her lips. "I can't believe this."

"Katherine-" Derek reached for her, but she swatted his hand away.

"I didn't ask for this, Derek. But I thought you'd trust me. I can control myself." Her voice trembled with a mix of anger and hurt.

Derek winced. "You're still learning, Kirby. We can't risk the alpha finding out about you." He couldn't bear the thought of anyone harming his remaining family. "I'll be back before sunrise," he mumbled, the weight of responsibility heavy on his shoulders. With a final glance, he slipped out into the night.


"Scott's coming over? Tonight?" Lydia asked as she, Kirby and Allison walked up the stairs, "We're just studying together." Allison said shyly, making Lydia scoff. "Just studying never ends with just studying. It's like getting into a hot tub. Somebody eventually cops a feel." Lydia said, making Kirby laugh.

"So what are you saying?" Allison asked, nervously messing with her backpack strap. "I'm just saying make sure he covers up." Lydia said, making Allison look at her confused, "Okay, Snow White, she means a condom." Kirby said and Allison's eyes widened.

"Are you kidding? After one date?" Allison asked and Lydia rolled her eyes, "Oh don't be a total prude. Just give him a little taste." Lydia shrugged and Kirby rolled her eyes while Allison glanced around awkwardly. "How much is a little taste?" Allison asked.

"Oh God. You really like him, don't you?"

"Well, there's just something different about him. When I first got here I had this plan: no boyfriends until college. I move too often. But when I met him, he was different. I can't explain it." Allison said and Lydia shrugged, "I can. It's your brain flooding with phenylethylamine." She said, making both Allison and Kirby look at her confused. "What did you just say?" Kirby asked.

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