𝓢𝓮𝓬𝓸𝓷𝓭 𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓷𝓬𝓮 𝓐𝓽 𝓕𝓲𝓻𝓼𝓽 𝓛𝓲𝓷𝓮

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Kirby sat at the top of the bleachers with her arms crossed and a bored expression on her face

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Kirby sat at the top of the bleachers with her arms crossed and a bored expression on her face. She was alone since Allison and Lydia went back to their houses after school. She didn't even want to be there in the first place but Derek told her to stay and keep an eye on Scott.

Scott, gazing off with far too many thoughts swirling in his head, doesn't notice the other players backing up behind him. "McCall, let's go!" Coach yelled, making Scott pay attention, realizing he's at the head of the line. Coach tosses the ball making Scott go for the shot. But Jackson comes at him with a volley of slap checks, "Still want to be first line, McCall?"

Gritting his teeth in anger, Scott looks up to reveal his brown eyes are rapidly turning yellow. "Oh, here we go." She muttered to herself as she slowly stood up while Coach walked over to Scott. "McCall, my grandmother can move faster than that and she's dead! Can you move faster than the lifeless corpse of my dead grandmother, McCall?"

"Yes, Coach."

"I can't hear you."

"Yes, Coach!"

"Then do it again!" Coach said and Scott went back to the start of the line. Stiles looked at him worriedly before seeing Kirby staring them down. The whistle blows and Scott shoots forward again as Coach tosses the ball to him.

Jackson goes in for a cross check heading for Scott making them collide. Both go down as Jackson yells hitting the ground. Everyone rushes over to check on Jackson as Stiles hurries to Scott's side.

"Are you okay?" Stiles asks but Scott won't lift his head, wont' reveal his face to Stiles. "Scott?" His head tilts up to reveal the sharpened teeth. "It's happening. I can't control it. It's happening."

Kirby suddenly runs up to them and roughly grabs Scott by the back of shoulder pad, "Get up." She hissed at him before pulling him in the direction of the locker rooms making sure he kept his head down while Stiles follows behind.

The door to the darkened locker room clangs open, Kirby dragging a hunched over Scott inside. Stiles moves to go over to Scott but Kirby grabs his arm and pulls him back behind her. "Get back." Scott groans but Kirby doesn't budge, "You need to calm down." She told him sternly.

"Get away from me." His voice comes out demonic and he snaps at them. Kirby pushes Stiles behind her as she growls keeping her eyes on Scott while Stiles retreat behind her stumbling over his own feet at the sight of Scott's eyes.

Scott doubles over in pain as he tears off his lacrosse gloves to reveal his sharpened claws. Stiles keeps stepping away in fear accidentally backing into a fire extinguisher against the wall. The metal clang causes Scott to whip his head around but it's no longer Scott staring him down with rage filled yellow eyes.

He hurtles towards Stiles rounding the corner of the lockers, jumping onto the wood bench and up but Kirby shoots out and grabs Scott by his collar and roughly slams him into the wall making him growl at her. "You can't win this Scott. Just give up!" She yells, her eyes shining blue.

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