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I headed to Jeongins room

"Jeongin" I called his name as I went inside "what's up" he said sitting up from his bed

"Can I have Ava's apartment number" I said "why" he asked "I wanna go talk to her" I said

"About what" he asked "about all the shit that's been happening between us" I said "fine it's apartment 68" he said "thanks"


I got my phone and texted Dayna

Guess who you I just slept with

Let me guess that bitch Ava

Yep and she stayed she got in a fight with Hyunjin so I guess you can finally have him

Yay good job little bro

Thanks good night

I turned my phone off and brought Ava closer to me

"You're finally mine beautiful" I kissed her head and went asleep


I woke up and Ava was still sleeping "you're finally mine Ava" I gave her a kiss and hugged her

I stared at her as she moved around then I closed my eyes

"Fuck what did I do" I heard her say

You became mine that's what you did

"Fuck no why did I do this" I felt her sitting up

"This was a mistake, this was a mistake" I felt her getting up


"This was a mistake you weren't supposed to be my first" I looked at Dino as he was still sleeping

I looked at the time 11:29


I got my clothes and quickly changed

My head hurt so bad

I headed to the living room and got my keys I went to the door and opened it "Ava" I looked at them

"Hyunjin" he looked at me up and down "I that you lived on 68" he said

"I do" I said "Ava are you still here" I heard Dino call me

"Wow I came to talk to you but I guess you're too busy spreading your legs huh you whore" I slapped him "we both know who the real whore is so you don't get to call me a whore" I said

"How does it feel Hyunjin" I said "How does it feel to get a taste of your own medicine" I said and I felt Dino stand behind me "you should leave" I said

He licked his bottom lip then licked it while nodding

I gulped hard as tears threatened to go down he turned the corner and I stepped out of the apartment

"Ava" Dino called my name and I looked at him "Dino it was a mistake I was drunk and I wasn't thinking" I said

"What do you mean Ava I thought that was your way of telling me that you wanted to be my girlfriend" he said and I shook my head

"It can't happen again I'm sorry" I went to my apartment and unlocked the door

I closed it behind me

"What did I do" I let the tears down "why did I give my self to him"

"I'm so stupid I'm so stupid I'm a fucking idiot" I cleaned my tears as I headed to my room and I sat on my bed

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