02-♥️Shocking News for Adarika♥️

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Hello My Beautiful Ladies👋🥰

Let's start today's chapter👇


~𝐑𝐞𝐯𝐚𝐧𝐬𝐡 𝐏𝐎𝐕

After my meetings I went into my cabin to call mom asking about rian. I called her after ringing two times she picked up the call.

"Mom , where were you , is everything ok , where is rian?" I asked.

"I was in the kitchen and yaah he is ok," She said.

I can say she is lying but the question is why? Is anything happened to my baby? I should go and check myself because I know mom won't tell me herself.

"Ohk mom bye," I said and hung up the call without letting her say anything.

I went outside the office and drove to my house , The guards were shocked to see me as I can guess from their facial expression, they are behaving like they were doing something wrong and I caught them.

Ignoring them I went inside my house and as usual my mom was sitting on the couch but rian was nowhere to see . I went towards and asked about rian . She was also shocked to see me as she wasn't expecting me here this time.

"Mom where is rian?" I asked.

"Ummm revansh he i...is..,"Mom said while shuttering.

"Mom where is he?" I shouted.

"He was having a fever so he is in hospital with bodyguards,"She said.

I knew that something was wrong . I quickly went outside and drove to the hospital , I was so angry that no one told me about him. I parked my car in the parking area.

I could see everyone looking at me with wide eyes and girls were gossiping about something that I knew was about me . Ignoring them I went inside the hospital. I saw rian's bodyguard standing outside the one of the hospital room . I went towards them , they saw me and their facial expression changed in shock.

"Where is rian?"I shouted on them

"S-Sir you h-here?," One of them said hiccuping.

"I asked something , where is rian?" I again shouted.

"Sir inside the room,"They both said.

I went inside the room and saw rian sitting on the couch thinking something . When he saw me he got up from the couch and he was also shocked to see me here. I bent on my knees and put my hand on his shoulder.

"Why didn't you tell me about your health bache?" I asked him.

"Dadda , you were busy in your meeting that's why I thought not to tell you," He said.

"You should have told me rian , you know how much worried was I about you ," I said.

"Sorry dada ," He said.

I was about to say something then I heard someone's footsteps coming inside the room but I didn't turn but rian ran towards the person who was standing behind me .

"What happened baby , why are you crying you are strong naa , don't cry babe,"I heard someone's sweet voice.

I turned towards them and saw a beautiful pair of eyes looking at rian with care , she was wearing a pink crop top with white coat of doctor over it and Black jeans which reached till her ankles , her hair was tied in a messy bun .

She bent on her knees and whispered something in rian's ear than he wiped his tears and smiled. Wow what she said that he started smiling ?

"That's like my boy," She said.

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