Caught red handed//ten//

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july 1st 1985-After Steve's brief celebration for knocking out the guard, the Scoops Troop quickly realized they didn't have time to relax. The guard had managed to sound the alarm before being taken down, and now the Russian soldiers were on their way. Without a moment to lose, Steve, Robin, Gwen, Dustin, and Erica started running away, trying to put as much distance between themselves and their pursuers as possible. The tension was palpable as they ran for their lives, hoping they could escape the Russian base without being caught.

Scoops troop is running through the russian base as the russian yell chasing them. Steve,robin,Gwen,dustin And erica Get into a room as Steve and Robin Push their body weight against the door.The russians banging on the door,gwen pushes against the door aswell."dustin get erica out of here!" gwen shouts as she pushes against the door."no no are u sure!?" dustin said halfway out a vent that erica was already in."GO NOW" yelled steve,"ALRIGHT JEEZ!ILL BE BACK I promise!!" dustin yelled back before getting in the vent.BAMMMM! The Russians crash through the door.Pointing their guns And Robin, Steve and Gwen put their hands up. busted...

Steve woke up with a start, his head throbbing from the previous night's activities. As he slowly opened his eyes, he could see gwen and  Robin sitting across from him, also both tied to a chair. They were groggy and disoriented, and it took them a moment to realize that they were in a small and dimly lit room, tied firmly to their chairs with no way to escape. As they looked around the room, they could hear the low humming of machinery and the faint sound of voices speaking in Russian."so stupid American children u try and escape us russians?" one of the russian says in gwens face,gwen spits on the guard"go to hell" said gwen."who do you work for" The Russians said while wiping the spit off his forehead."nobody were three teens who are bored"gwen said being careful to not rat out dustin and erica,the russian says"I guess we'll have to go to more extreme measures" while nodding. As as soon as the Russian guard nods the Russian doctor picks up a drill and start walking towards steve who was drugged aswell as robin."NO NO NO" gwen shouted"OKAY OKAY WE INTERCEPTED UR STUPID CODE FOUND UR BASE SNUCK Inside  ALL IN TWO DAYS NOW DONT HURT HIM" the russian guard smirks and leaves the russian guard to watch over the three teens.


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