Chapter 21 : Huge timeskip to the end of the quest

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A/N : Hey guys who know the song ? We'll do a test : you'll write each a verse of the song until it's finish.

Percy POV :

We lost Bianca on the quest to save Artemis. Now we're at mount Tam, Thalia and Grover are fighting Luke while Zoe is fighting Atlas, Annabeth is unconscious. I looked at Lady Artemis still traped under the sky. I went next to her ready to take the sky on my shoulders.

"What are you doing boy ? You'll die." She said.

"We all die one day, well except you gods. And you're the only one who can defeat Atlas."

She nodded and let me take the sky before going fight Atlas. I was watching the fights. Thalia and Grover had cornered Luke, Artemis and Zoe were slowly repeling Atlas. Suddenly Atlas attacked Zoe and pierced her with his spear. Artemis became angry and pushed him under the sky freeing me. I ran toward Zoe and Artemis and saw from the corner of my eyes Luke fell. Soon enough we were in the moon chariot.

"I can see the stars milady." Were Zoe last words, Artemis put her in the sky. Thalia, Grover and Annabeth sat at the back of the chariot, sleeping and I sat next to lady Artemis silent tears running down my cheek.

"It's been a long time since I've last lost a hunter." She said. "Zoe was on of my older ones."

"The one we love never truly leave us until we forget them." I said.

"Did you lost someone ?"

"My grandparents." She looked at me surprised. I gave her a sad smile. "My mother was really young when she had me so my grandparents help her raising me."

"I'm sorry."

"Dont be, you're not the one who killed them." She became silent and looked at me.

"Can I call you Percy ?" I blushed and nodded.

Perseus 'Percy' PotterWhere stories live. Discover now