Chapter 1- Reflection

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Alastors POV:

I squinted open my eyes and the sound of screams and explosions were surrounding me. I looked down and I had red needle sharp claws and I was wearing a crimson perfectly tailored suit?

How? Huh?

A green smoke appeared around me and there stood Roo with a wicked smile.

"Awwwh look how cute you are!" She gripped my jaw tightly and fluffed up my hair...ears?

"I'm not cute!" I snapped, furrowing my brows at Roo and she rolled her eyes with a chuckle.

"Just Look at yourself!" She twirled her fingers and a green-tinted mirror appeared close to my face.

I looked at my reflection and I had two black tipped tufts of hair extending from the top of my the ears of a deer, it was a humiliating sight.

What the fuck?! Why do I look like this?!

My eyes were bright-red with thin black pupils. I was wearing a red pinstripe coat,which is ragged along the bottom hem.

That's a lot of red...

I suddenly noticed my dark-red oval-shaped monocle that y/n gave me.


"Where's y/n?" I asked Roo, narrowing my eyes at her. My voice was a radio-like effect, it was strange.

"Down here somewhere." She shrugged with a grin, putting her hand on her hip.

"...She died?"

"Of course she did! You saw her gasping for air with your own two eyes, her terror-stricken face was hilarious!..." Roo laughed, making the mirror disappear.

"Now don't you worry your fuzzy little head about
y/n she's absolutely fine without you, she would only get in our way. Do not go find her."


"I have eyes everywhere!" Roo waved her fingers and sighed. "Like our deal said: I'll make sure she won't get into any trouble..."

You lying bitch. I will find y/n and Nifty. There must be some way around it...

" hold up your end of the deal. Find and torture the overlords that betrayed me, and keep this as a lesson to not repeat their mistakes."


"Here, I got you a present!" She interrupted and threw a thin cane at me, it had a vintage style microphone attached to it with a red eye similar to Roo's.

"What's this?" I asked skeptically.

"It contains your immense amount of power never harnessed before by a mortal soul. Plus, it matches your kinda vibe~"

"So I-" I was about to speak but she interrupted again.

Fucking let me speak?!

"Now, whenever you fight an Overlord, you will banish the defeated demons into a pocket dimension I created..." She spoke proudly.

"...Which will trap them in a never-ending cycle of being tortured, humiliated, and murdered, with each death more degrading and brutal than the last." Her eyes turned black and her smile intensified.

"HAHA! Have funnnnnn~" She snapped back to her usual self, disappearing into thin air with a Cackle.

"Wait!" I called out.

"Hmm?" She appeared behind me, making me jump.

"Why can't I just kill them?"

"Sinners regenerate, it's a pain." She huffed, looking extremely annoyed and leaned on my shoulder.

"Okay, what do they look like? You have given me no details, or anything. What am I supposed to do?" I glanced over at her.

"Just ask around." She laughed. "If they are an arrogant sinner that calls themselves an overlord...get rid of them!" She left and I was alone, surrounded by the horrifying sight of hell.

Let's test out these new powers shall we...Let the slaughter begin...


Wanted to write out the first chapter, before I sleep :)

More coming soon 💕

I have a love/hate relationship with Roo

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I have a love/hate relationship with Roo.

Like girlboss but also fuck you bitch.

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