Playing dumb

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Carla's pov

Caitlin has fallen asleep since 11 and I was still up talking with Kate. Gabbie had fallen asleep as well for a while now. I was scratching slightly Caitlin's back from the inside of her shirt and I could hear soft hums from time to time from her signaling that she liked it. I was laughing to myself thinking about the brunette on top of me and zoned out a bit until I heard Kate's fingers snapping at me pulling me away from my thoughts. "Girl can you ask her out already? I mean look at you two now. You guys have known each other from less than a day and you go and scratch her back from INSIDE her shirt. Who you trynna fool?" She finally said and I snapped my head at her signaling her to tone it down so that she wouldn't wake Cait up. "Fuck you Kate I just like her company that's all. End of discussion" I said and with that she let me be. At some point Caitlin moved up a bit so that now her head was on the crook of my neck and her hand around my waist. Her muscles looked so much better now that i was close to them. I tried to fall asleep without letting her perfume intoxicate me. When I woke up Caitlin wasn't between my arms. I felt a strange sadness to the lack of physical touch only to be met with a sleepy Caitlin on the ground. My previous sadness turned into happiness that she hadn't left but also made me laugh only thinking about how she fell and didn't even wake up. I slowly got up and headed to the kitchen. It was now 9:30 but today was Saturday so we didn't have much to do. The girls had practice at around 6 so until then we were all free. I made some coffee and got to the balcony with the laptop I had brought with me yesterday and sat down to do an essay that was due Monday but I wanted to get it over with by now. I gave myself some time to wake up and function properly before getting to work. It was a very beautiful which offered me some kind of peace and pleasure while giving me motivation to finish the essay. Throughout the whole essay I couldn't stop thinking about the brunette that had her hands on me during most of the night. Ugh I really wanted her but I don't know if she's into me or not. It is said that she is straight but for real right now I don't think she would be straight if she dressed like that and talked like that with Kate who also liked girls. Once I managed to finish my work I got inside to see them all up and chatting. Once I entered the room she looked at me and smiled motioning for me to join their company. "So doctor tell us a bit about yourself. We barely know you" Gabbie said while taking a sip of her coffee. "Well as you know I am a physiotherapist but I also study English as a profession. I can play the drums pretty good and I used to play basketball too but then I got tired and stopped it as I was more interested in the health department" I said explaining. "so you're not a total idiot about basketball good to know" Hannah said and we all just laughed. "Wait so you can actually play the drums?" Caitlin now asked pretty amused. "well yeah I can but I haven't played in a while cause you know moving and settling in and studying. So yeah I am still getting used to this " I said and they all nodded. "oh I also am a lesbian so you might want to add that on my resume" I said sarcastically and Gabbie laughed her ass off for some reason. Kate knew already so she just gave me a well done thumbs up for coming out to them and Caitlin just looked at me nodding. I don't know what she might be thinking but I definitely wasn't ready to know.

Caitlin's pov

When I woke up and found out I wasn't in Carla's arms I frowned but then saw that I had fallen from the couch so it wouldn't make a difference if she was there. I decided to curl to the blanket on the couch for a bit more until the girls started talking again just when I actually get up I see Carla walk from the balcony to the living room making me smile at her. She offered a smile back and sat beside me while she was talking with Gabbie. I just learned that she's lesbian and that made my stomach do backflips. I don't know why but I was just happy. I nodded to the information starting to question myself as well. I was always not very attracted to boys but I thought that I hadn't been with the right one to decide but it had never crossed my mind that I could be a lesbian. I sure made flirty jokes with Kate and saw how she hit on girls but I didn't really put me in that position. Maybe Carla could be my gay awakening? Is that what they call it? I don't know seriously. "You guys wanna grab breakfast? I am starving" Kate offered "yes please I need to eat something" I said expressing my hunger only to see a small smile on Carla's lips but I didn't give it much thought. We decided to grab breakfast and go to a park nearby. It was really nice. I had bought myself a coffee and some scrambled eggs and honestly I couldn't be more happy now that I was finally eating. I saw that Carla had gotten a small sandwich with a coffee but she wasn't eating much. Maybe she ate something when she woke up, I thought to myself and continued eating. "You guys what are you doing this summer it's like ten days ahead" Kate initiated a conversation with be mouth stuffed in pancakes. "Well I am going to stay here and go maybe a week or two to my gals" I said before stuffing my mouth with eggs and Kate nodded and turned to Carla "what about you? You'll go anywhere?" Carla took a sip of her coffee and responded "Um Paige said that she wanted me to go and visit her so I'm guessing I'm gonna spend two to three weeks there to see her, Nika and Azzi. But the rest of the summer I'm going to stay here. Maybe they'll come here too so I've got company". I smiled knowing that she'll be here like I will. At least I'll have some company. "What about you Kate where you going?" I asked turning to look at her. "Well I'll spend half my summer away to my parents and the other half I will go on vacation with a friend of mine" she said and looked away blushing a bit. "ohh you're going on vacation with your girl???" I said teasing her "oh come on that's why my sister can't come from July and after? Kate seriously I'll end you man" Carla said and it took me by surprise cause I didn't know that Nat was Carla's sister. Kate was talking with Nat for like six months now and hasn't shut up about her. "Sorryyy" Kate apologized and hugged her trying to annoy her more. Which she did cause she started playfully hitting Kate after a while. I couldn't help but laugh to the view. "don't you dare laugh Clark or I'll make you regret it" I hear Carla say looking at me dangerously but also with a smirk on her face. I put my hands up in defeat and felt a sudden warmth spread across my cheeks. After a while Kate and Gabbie went to their dorms to chill out for a bit before practice and me and Carla were now driving to the apartment complex of the student athletes. The others had taken Gabbie's car and we took Carla's. She was looking really good at the moment. She was wearing basketball shorts and a white crop top and as well a pair of white airforces. She was driving with on hand while the other was stabilized on the window. "You see something you like Clark?" She said all of a sudden only then realizing that I was staring. She let out a laugh when she saw that I turned to look away not responding but she just grabbed me by my jaw and forces me to look at her. "I didn't say you should stop" she said and a small smile appeared on both of our faces. I bit my lip trying to suppress my smile but it didn't work. Oh my god I don't understand what I am feeling right now but she sure as hell knows what she's doing.

Hello cutiess. I try to update as quick as possible but exams are giving me a hard time. I am warning you this ks slightly a slow burn so get comfy cause we got some way ahead. Until next chapter enjoy!

xoxo your favorite author 😘

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