Never better

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Nika's pov

It has been three hours and I have still not heard from Kate. I tried calling her multiple times but it went straight to voicemail. I figured she might just need some time to process everything before showing up. Caitlin didn't talk or drink anything. She was just walking up and down the aisle while waiting for news on Carla's state which seemed to be stable but not at a very good point. I had notified Paige that we were at the hospital and she would be coming here any minute now. I don't know why but I had a feeling that something was wrong. Well other than my best friend being in a coma practically I thought to myself that something seemed off more than usual. Once Paige got here and after she had her time with Carla alone I pulled her aside so that Caitlin wouldn't hear. "Hey look. I called martin and it's been three hours since I last heard from her. I tried calling her but she won't answer. Before she hung up last time I heard a loud thud and then nothing more. Would you mind checking on her cause clearly something is wrong" I practically pleaded the blond who totally agreed and asked me to keep her tuned for any further news for the girl in the coma. "I'll call you when I get there Niks. Be careful and keep an eye on Clark" she said. And with that she left.

Third person pov

While Nika tried to stay positive and help both Caitlin and Carla there was something that was eating her inside out. A feeling she couldn't sake for some reason. And she was right for having it. The reaction of Carla's best friend was completely off and that did not go unnoticed by Nika. Once Kate learned about the situation her best friend was in she was shocked but she didn't have much time to adjust to the new information because someone knocked her out. Cold. Before Nika could put the pieces together and send Paige to check on Kate Martin it was enough time for Kate to become a clearly easy target for the one and only Alyssa Rogers who wanted her revenge and AJ Wilson to hurt someone who was close to her ex. While everyone was focused on Carla's well being Kate was in the hands of the crazy ex of Carla's and didn't have a way out. AJ had knocked her out while causing the blond to not be able to stand up for herself and once Bueckers was in Caitlin's dorm Kate was nowhere to be found. All the phone calls were unanswered because Kate's phone was on silent mode and the two girls didn't notice Kate had her phone on her but that couldn't help the blond who was unconscious in AJ's house.

Paige's pov

I looked almost everywhere and I didn't find a single trace of where Kate could've been. I dialed Nika's phone number and while it was ringing I noticed something on the wall. Something red-ish. What? "Hey you found her?" Nika's voice pulled me out of my thoughts "yeah no. She's nowhere to be found but" I stopped and went closer to the wall. I put my thumb over the red thing on the wall and saw that it was like a liquid. "Niks" I warned once I smelled the red thing as I recognize the smell of blood "what is it Bueckers?" She asked and I took a deep breath almost immediately realizing what could've happened here "Kate's not good. There's blood on the wall and her stuff is messy. Someone other than her was here. And honestly I don't think it was someone with friendly intentions. There is blood on the wall. Not much so whoever it was he must've tidied up before leaving. And don't tell me she might have hurt herself and to not jump into conclusions because she would have answered the phone the past twelve times you called her if that was the situation" I said starting to panic and look for other things that could help me figure out where martin could be. "Can you look into it more? I don't know what to tell you right now I'm about to talk with the doctor. I'll ask Caitlin once she gets back from the bathroom to call you and you two can figure it out" she said and once we agreed on what to do we hung up. I turned the whole place upside down to find anything else that could help me track Kate but I had no luck. I couldn't understand where Kate could've gone or why she would leave like that without telling anyone. My thoughts were interrupted by my phone ringing. "Hey Caitlin" i said sighing as I gave up and stood there in the middle of the room. "Hey Bueckers. Any luck finding my best friend?" She asked tiredly. I couldn't sake the feeling of disappointment when I answered "no. Not a sign of her at all. I swear it's like she doesn't exist no more" I said looking around in frustration "hey look. Kate has a hidden phone in case of an emergency. We might be able to track her if she has it with her. Go and check on my wardrobe to see" Caitlin said and with that I was off to Caitlin's room only to find the phone on it's place "hate to disappoint Cait but the phone's here" I shouted as I had the phone on speaker so that I could look for the phone while talking to her. "Fuck. What do we do now?" I hear her ask and I can't help but try to answer although when I went to say something nothing could be heard. Because I had nothing to say. I didn't know what we would do. "Look come by here and we will see what we will do with Kate okay? We'll be waiting" she said and after saying goodbye she hung up. I got out of the dorm and went to my car but while I was leaving I spotted Kate's car in it's place. I couldn't help but let the curiosity grow inside me as I thought about everything that I saw in the apartment while making my way to the hospital. Kate's emergency phone was in it's place. Her car was here. And some blood was on the wall which seemed fresh due to the form and smell of the liquid. It was really suspicious to all be an accident or Kate harming herself and leaving. There must be something other than that and I didn't like those possibilities to be honest. I tried to get to the hospital as fast as I could trying to form a proper way to say my thoughts to Caitlin without her freaking out. Once I parked in the parking lot of the hospital I made my way to the room Nika had texted me they were at trying to keep my composure and seem unbothered by the fact that Kate was nowhere to be found. "Hey" I let out a whisper making my presence known to the two girls who were facing the door of Carla's room. Caitlin looked at me first letting out a small smile while patting the seat next to her signaling for me to sit. Nika greeted me as well her face buried into some paperwork that had to do with Carla's stay here. "We need to talk" I whispered at Caitlin's ear and she nodded telling Nika we would go for a walk cause she couldn't stay here without doing anything. "What is it? Did you find anything?" She asked eagerly as we were now away from Muhl. "Look. When I left to come here I saw Kate's car in the parking lot and inside your apartment there was something red-ish on the wall that seemed like blood. I don't know what could have happened but I know for sure that Kate did not leave alone. Cause like I said her car is still on campus" I said all in one time trying to keep my breathing steady. I wasn't very strong when it came to mental wars and without Carla or Nika here I don't think I could manage to pull through easily. Caitlin saw my state and grabbed my hand reassuring me that she was here but she stopped every movement at once and when I saw Caitlin think about something for a minute I saw her eyes widening. I looked at her confused only to receive a terrified look from her. "Wait you said that the emergency phone was still in my room right?" She asked and I nodded trying to understand what she wanted to say. "And her car is still there. The room was messed up and there was something like blood on the wall" she listed off the things I had told her earlier trying to comprehend the situation better. I nodded again trying to think what could've possibly happened. I saw Caitlin turn her back at me and putting her head on her hands. I was really worried about her reaction knowing that her girl had just experienced a suicide attempt and her best friend wasn't around making everything ten times worse for her. "Paige. I think I have an idea of what could've happened but I am not sure. It might be stupid or I don't know but honestly I can't think of anything else to explain it" she started saying before turning back to look at me only now she was pale as a ghost. "Bro are you good? You look like a white wall" I said sitting her down. "Yeah I'm just tired. And scared. Mostly tired but we don't have time for that" She said before taking a deep breath. Her leg was bouncing restlessly as she looked around nervous. I studied her face expressions and her body language trying to understand what she wanted to say but I couldn't. She didn't give me any hints or any warnings for what she was about to say and honestly without preparation I don't think If anyone could manage to stay still after what I would hear.

Cliffhanger bitches AGAIN. Y'all love me deep down I know but don't think I'll make this easy for you🤭. I am going as slow as possible just because I want to torture you a bit. Y'all have to wait and see what is about to happen...

xoxo your favorite author 💖

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