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Nika's pov

I have been sitting here waiting for Paige and Caitlin for about three to four hours now. I was trying to keep my cool but honestly the last time I didn't give it much thought Kate got kidnapped so yeah not happening. Just then as I was overthinking about Carla's situation I see Paige on a bed with multiple hits and cuts allover her and unconscious as in the bed behind her was laying AJ?. What has happened and why did no one say anything oh my god. Just when I thought it couldn't get better Caitlin stormed in with Kate on her hands who was covered in blood. My eyes widened at the sight as I saw Caitlin having a harsh look at the doctors before finally letting her go. I saw that the brunette sat down and put her head in between her hands trying to gather her thoughts so I gave her some time before walking up to her "what happened Caitlin?" I asked softly and she couldn't speak no more. Tears streaming down her face not letting her speak. I kneeled down and took her head in my hands. Once I saw how devastated she was I embraced her in a tight hug letting her sob and let out the whole steam from the whole situation go. "I can't believe it I didn't get there in time" she spoke between sobs and that just made me more confused. "Why Caitlin. What happened?" I asked and she looked at me before saying "AJ. She raped her" and with that I felt worse for Caitlin and Kate than I have ever felt. I shushed Caitlin who was again sobbing in my arms and tried to keep my composure and not break trying to seem strong for her. The doctor came by and told us that Paige was okay and so was Kate. They were both asleep so that was good. "Wait. AJ did this all by herself?" I questioned before looking at Caitlin who was now just sitting beside me staring blankly at the wall. "Alyssa got away. She jumped out the window just like that figure who went inside Carla's room" she answered coldly every emotion that could possibly be shown was drained from her face and I couldn't tell what she felt exactly. 'ill go visit Carla" she said before standing up and heading towards the familiar room. I also went to check on Paige who was injured slightly.

Caitlin's pov

Once I stepped into the room I immediately wanted to break down once again. Seeing Carla like that for the past week has been giving me nightmares. I took a seat beside her as I observed her features trying to gain a reaction from her but as someone would expect nothing happened. I let out a sigh before leaning down to kiss her hand and rest my forehead on her side. "Carla I can't do this" I began trying to keep my voice steady. I hadn't spoken to her since the time I brought her in the hospital. "I need you to wake up. Kate's been through hell. Nika has almost gone insane. She thinks she hides it well but in reality me and Paige both see she's slipping. Speak of the devil Paige beat up AJ who had kidnapped and raped Kate. Alyssa though. She got away. AJ is now unconscious Paige gave her pretty good hits. Everything has went downhill from the moment you stopped talking, stopped laughing... From the moment you stopped being around us. Around me. It was my fault because I couldn't help you through the time you needed most but I need you to understand that I couldn't be around you not because I was mad you didn't tell me. I was mad at myself for not noticing. I mean how could I be so stupid. It was a very very bad decision to wait a whole week before coming to finally speak with you. Because when I did.... It was too late. And it was my fault. Not yours. Not Nika's. Mine" I was speaking to myself practically at this point but I was speaking with the thought that maybe she would listen to me. I had the need to tell her those things and since she hasn't woken up yet there wasn't much I could do. I kept on rumbling blaming myself criticizing my decision not giving me a single break. The echoing sound of the machines she was hooked up with was the only thing that could be heard. This sound for some reason made me be afraid. I don't even know what there was to be afraid right now. Probably death was the closest considering that we're in a hospital with the girl that I love unconscious for the past week. After a while I stopped talking completely. I sat there trying to gather my thoughts trying to stay put for the sake of Carla and Kate. I need them to be okay. I'll actually lose it if someone doesn't make it. Just then I heard a knock on the door and once I turned around I saw Nika looking at me sympathetically. "I just wanted to let you know that Kate is awake" she said and with that I sprinted my way to Kate's room leaving Nika with Carla. "Took you long enough" the blond whispered as she saw me enter the room. I let out a laugh while a tear left my eye. I sat down and Kate wiped my tear as she caressed my hand in a reassuring way. "I was so scared Martin. You never do that to me again okay?" I asked holding her hand with both of my hands tightly. She nodded with a smile on her face and I couldn't help but let my head fall down to her side. "How is she?" Kate asked and that's when I actually started crying. After everything she has been through I didn't want to tell her she hadn't woken up yet. But I couldn't lie to her. I took a deep breath and looked up at her. "She um. She hasn't woken up yet and uh it's been a week since the attempt and the doctors don't know why she um why she hasn't woken up yet " I said trying to keep my voice low and steady. A wave of sadness took over her face for a couple of seconds before she replaced that feeling with worry and sympathy. "It's okay Clark. She'll pull through. Everything is going to be alright. Don't worry" she said while placing her hand on my shoulder pulling me in for a hug. She motioned for me to get on the bed and sleep there tonight since it's now almost midnight. I happily obliged and got into the covers with her. She kept mumbling sweet nothings to me like 'its okay' or 'she will be okay' or 'we are in this together don't worry' and honestly this night was the first night that I actually got some sleep.

Paige's pov

I woke up at the hospital while my body was hurting like a bitch bro. I groaned as I went to stand up but besides the pain I managed to get up. I tried walking around the room to adjust to the flesh wounds I had before leaving the room. I got down to the reception to get something to eat and once I was finished I made my way towards Carla's room. I knew Nika had to be here somewhere. She hasn't left since we first got here. I could hear mumbling and crying from down the hall and I was actually surprised to see that Nika was trying to stay silent while crying. She hadn't seen me coming from the back so I just sad beside her until she finally looked up. She looked devastated and broken. I hadn't seen her like that for the past few days. It was worse. "what are you doing here you're supposed to be resting Paige you've got fresh cuts" she scolded me almost immediately. I laughed at her reaction causing her to look at me confused. "There's no way you actually believe I'll stay in my room while you're out here losing your mind" I said and opened my arms signaling for her to come in for a hug. "Don't ever get in a fight while we are in a situation like this. Hell don't even get in a fight like this ever again. You hear me Bueckers? Never." She said and I laughed nodding earning a pleased side smile from her. We were sitting on a couch in the waiting room so it had space for us to somewhat lay down. Not fully but it was definitely better than just sitting still. I was brushing her hair with my fingers as she was crying in my hug. I told her that everything is going to be okay and that we would all pull through. After a while I felt her breath get even signaling that she was asleep. It was a long time since she had gotten some sleep. With Carla's accident and Kate's kidnaping she hadn't slept for days. I stayed there comforting her as much as possible letting her know that I would be by her side no matter what. I loved Nika. She is my twin and I can't bare seeing her like this. It was the first time I caught her breaking. Even the strongest people have their weaknesses and for Nika, who was the strongest person I know, her weakness was her close friends, her family as she recalled. Me and Carla were her closest friends. With Carla, Nika had created a bond so strong in such little time it was very amusing. They just clicked instantly. And with me, Nika felt me as a twin as well since I was the first friend she made when she first came to UConn. Touching story although I couldn't risk of crying from joy because I would wake her up and then we would start again with the blaming and all and I know that she didn't deserve to judge herself that much. All there was left now was for Carla to wake up. We all had been wanting for her to just wake up.

HEY POOKIESS. Hope y'all like this cause it had me crying bro fr. I hope y'all enjoy this story so far BUT I haven't gotten all my cards out on display so stay with me. Hope y'all like this. See you soon cuties and please don't ghost read make sure to like or comment🙏

xoxo your favorite author 💞

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