Chapter 9

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"Wake up, wake up!" Amai was shaken from her sleep by Ichigo and Pudding, who were rousing the others from slumber. The dim light of the early dawn lit their faces. The horses were wide awake and ready, the bags strapped to the saddles.

Standing up, Amai walked over and hopped onto her horse's back. Ichigo ran over and joined her, an apple for breakfast in her mouth. "Hurry up, we've got to go!" The sisters got onto their horses, and they rode off.

They rode for hours, stopping briefly for lunch and rest. By the height of sundown, they approached a small village. They all agreed to stay only for a warm meal and to change out of their ballgowns, which they were still wearing from the ball before. Stopping at a local inn, the innkeeper and his wife welcomed them and gave them the comfort they needed after briefly explaining their situation, to which the kind old couple promised not to reveal their royal identities.

Now in more suitable clothes for traveling, the princesses sat at a table enjoying a freshly cooked dinner. Amai was dressed in an ankle-length white dress, quarter sleeves and a teal corset. Ichigo in a pink dress with cream long sleeves and a belt. Pudding in a knee-length brown dress with puff sleeves, lighter brown leggings and boots. Retasu and Mint both had similar dresses, Retasu's in pale blue and Mint's in dark violet, both with leather vest corsets. Zakuro had a long black shirt and blue riding pants, and a brown riding coat overtop. They all had hooded cloaks as well to better mask their identities.

Eating their food quietly, Mint spoke up.

"Where do we go from here? We can't stay in one place for too long, especially one with other people. It's not safe."

The sisters nodded in agreement. Keeping her voice low, Retasu said; "Deep Blue could bring war to every inch of the kingdom just to find us. Six girls can't fight against him."

Looking up from her water cup, Amai, with sad eyes, added; "I can't use my magic against him. Even if I tried, he'd weaken me with his own enchantments like he did back in the palace garden." She put her head in her hands. "I feel so useless right now."

Ichigo placed a comforting hand on the distressed girl's shoulder. "Don't worry, Amai. We're going to get through this, together."

The red-headed princess put her hand in the middle of the table. One by one, the sisters placed their hands on top of each other's, looking at Amai. She raised her head, staring at them. Slowly, a small smile painted her lips, lightly sniffling as she placed her hand overtop the five underneath.

About ten minutes later, the girls gathered their things and walked to the innkeeper in the back of the inn.

"Excuse me." Amai asked.

The kind old man smiled at her and replied; "Yes, your highness?" She took a deep breath before continuing.

"Do you know of any place we can go where we would be safe? Someplace where Deep Blue can't find us, please."

The man thought for a moment, then snapped his fingers. "Of course."

The princesses gave him a look. "What?" Zakuro asked. The innkeeper turned his head around for a few seconds before quietly speaking.

"Listen well, your highnesses. Just beyond the border of this land and the next to the south, there is a cottage resting by three sister willow trees. It was once the home of an enchantress many years ago, long before the reign of your father and mother."

He paused, looking around again before he continued. "Before she died, the enchantress placed a powerful seal on the cottage, a seal that could block out the darkest of magic. No one has been known to touch it for dozens of years. You'll be safe there."

Sighing in relief, Amai hugged the man. "Thank you." He chuckled and hugged her back. "Of course, my dear."

Digging into her bag, Amai pulled out a pair of earrings that she received as a past birthday gift from her parents. She held them out to the innkeeper.

"Please, take these as payment for your hospitality and kindness." "Oh, but your highness, I couldn't possibly..." She gently placed the jewelry in his hands, stopping his sentence.

"You and your wife have helped us greatly tonight. In this time of chaos, such gratitude is necessary. Please, take them, give them to your wife. I'd bet she'd love them."

Bowing his head, the old innkeeper thanked her, and waved the princesses goodbye as they loaded and hopped onto their horses. As the sun settled into the darkening horizon, the six royal sisters took off.


Kneeling by a small stream, a pale hand reached into the water, filling up a canister to the brim. Worried gold eyes stared into the reflection below. Green hair slightly frazzled from the escape he'd recently made, skin dusted with bits of dirt.

"Oi, Kisshu! Help me out with this!"

Looking over his shoulder, the prince watched Taruto struggle to bind the wound on Pai's leg. The young man winced in pain as the rag was tied a little too tight. Quickly, Kisshu ran up and splashed a little cool water on the wound, which cleared up some of the drying blood and eased some of the pain.

He thought back to the earlier events that had happened. At the ball, he ran into the king and queen who told him that Amai and the other girls escaped. Giving them his promise to find her, Kisshu had raced out of the castle and home before Deep Blue dove in.

Gathering what was needed he, Pai and Taruto set off, determined to reach the princesses safely. However, they had a run in with some of Deep Blue's guards who had just been sent off on their mission to locate Amai. There weren't many, so the three managed to fight them easily, but one of the guard's swords had gashed Pai's leg. The prince helped his friend onto his horse, speeding away as far as possible to avoid more of Deep Blue's soldiers so they could rest and treat Pai peacefully.

While finishing the knot on the bind, Taruto looked up at Kisshu. "What are we gonna do now? We can't go too far right now with Pai's injury, and that evil psychopath could find us fast, or the princesses."

"Taruto." The young boy stopped at the oldest of the group's voice. Pai, seeing he had Taruto's attention, spoke again. "Forget my injury. We're not stopping here, nor are we stopping ever until we find the girls and ensure their safety. Right, Kisshu?"

Not hearing a reply, Pai looked at the prince. "Kisshu?"

Green bangs covered the young man's upper face, his knuckles turning white from gripping the canister tight. Pai and Taruto remained silent, knowing their prince and friend was in a lot of emotional pain. His true love was missing, and the world around them was heading towards chaos. It was taking a huge tole on Kisshu.

"Amai." That was all Kisshu could whisper in that moment. He prayed that she was alright, that she was safe with her sisters.

The dear cat Sugar (who had snuck along with Kisshu when he escaped from the palace) rubbed his ankle as a means of comfort and sharing his worry for her owner.

The young prince felt a hand on his shoulder. "Kisshu." Looking up, he stared at Pai. "We'll find them. We'll find her." Taruto's smaller hand patted his other shoulder. "Yeah, chin up, Kisshu!"

Kisshu looked at his best friends. Their eyes held unending determination and loyalty. He felt a bit better knowing that he had the best support. Rubbing his eyes, he straightened up.

"Thanks, guys." Heading back to the stream to refill the canister, Kisshu lifted his head towards the moon. The white orb in the sky reminded him of his sweet Amai's hair, which always illuminated under a bright night sky. Closing his eyes, he thought of the beautiful princess, finding her safe and embracing her again.

"Don't worry, Amai. Wherever you are, I promise I'll find you."

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