Chapter 14

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Deep Blue stared hard ahead of him as his horse rode down the path, guards and soldiers stretched out behind him. For days, there had been no sign of the princess, and his patience was growing thinner and thinner by the hour. He'd already slaughtered one or two villages, which held no information useful to him, and he was close to murdering some of his own men out of frustration.

"Where the hell is she?! Sure, she could be using magic to hide herself, but one pretty little princess with five others cannot be so difficult to find!" His brain had been hurting with that question. Hopefully, his raven would return sooner rather than later, successful.

"Your Majesty, look."

One of his guards pointed up at the sky. Deep Blue followed his gaze, and to his relief, flying downwards was his little spy. He held up his hand, halting his company.

The anxious king caught the bird on his finger, bringing it up to meet its eyes. "Please show me what I've been waiting for." The raven's eyes glowed, and Deep Blue watched everything it saw and heard. He glared when he saw the prince, Kisshu, whom Amai loved so dearly, and his two friends following a small fawn. When the image of the barrier and the cottage appeared, Deep Blue grinned. Of course, how could he not have thought about it before? That old, magically protected place was the perfect refuge for Amai and her sisters.

He continued to watch his spy's findings. Jealousy spiked dangerously high as he observed his princess, who made his heart swell upon seeing her face again, embrace the forest haired young man. He became even more angry when her lips, her soft, perfect and sweet lips, touched ones that did not belong to him.

That should be him in her arms, holding her, kissing her! Not that insolent boy! Deep Blue's magic crackled around him, reacting to his strong emotions. The men behind him stepped back, knowing that one wrong move would not be pretty.

Cutting off the connection, Deep Blue dissolved the raven and gripped the reins tightly. Without looking at his men, he spoke. "I know where my prize is. We're heading to the enchantress's cottage!"

Kicking his horse, he led his army onwards, beginning to form a plot in his head.

"Just wait, my lovely Amai. You won't have your precious prince for much longer. Soon, all you'll have to love is me, and once you're in my arms, I will never let you go."

........................................................................................................................................................... Sunlight streamed through the glass of the window, pouring into the bedroom. Hitting Amai's eyelids, the princess began to rouse from slumber. As consciousness came to her, she felt her hair being stroked, an arm around her stomach, and hot air on her neck. Groaning ever so quietly, she managed to open her eyes. Then she realized the origin of her sensations.

Her darling prince laying right behind her. Somewhere in the night, their bodies had changed positions, so now they were both on their left sides with Amai's back to Kisshu's front. The prince's right arm caged her close, his left-hand fingers smoothing down her silky strands while he slept. He was a little further down the mattress to where his face was buried in her hair, right over her neck.

Amai's eyes moved as far to the side as they would go, able to catch a glimpse of the forest-colored hair she loved so much. Very, very slowly, she shifted to her right side, careful not to wake Kisshu up. When she made it, she giggled at the sight. Oh, Kisshu looked so adorable in his sleep! His eyes closed in peace, bangs a bit messed up, and the way he cuddled her like a giant pillow was precious. Amai couldn't help but laugh. The sound caused Kisshu to wake up, cracking a golden eye open. A sleepy smile appeared on his face.

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⏰ Last updated: May 28 ⏰

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