Chapter 12

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Desperation. Desperation was all that laid in the heart of Kisshu as he trudged through the woods, soul aching at every step. He couldn't know if he was getting farther or closer to Amai, and it burned him so much. Luckily, Pai's leg had been healing nicely, so it made travelling a little easier. However, they were starting to run low on supplies, and as hours passed, it became riskier to stop anywhere for too long. One never knows where Deep Blue or his lackeys might be.

Taruto whined. "I'm exhausted! Honestly, when are we going to find someplace that we can rest?" Pai turned to scold him. "Taruto, you know we can't, not with the enemy being anywhere. Besides, the princesses are our top concern." Pouting, the young boy crossed his arms. Suddenly, his eyes saw something through the bushes. "Hey, look!"

Kisshu and Pai looked at where he was pointing. Coming out of the fern a few feet away was a little brown fawn. The creature stopped as it caught sight of the three. Its bright eyes focused on Kisshu, and jumped over to him excitedly.

"Whoa, whoa, hey." Kisshu said as it nudged its head with his side, like it wanted his attention. He raised a hand to stroke its head. The very second his fingers made contact with the animal's head; he heard a voice in his head.


He gasped, taking his hand off the fawn. Pai and Taruto looked at him. "Kisshu, what is it?" The prince stared at the fawn, eyes wide. "I... I heard Amai's voice when I touched it." His friends were surprised, turning their attention to the creature. It kept its focus on Kisshu, nudging him again. Taruto realized something. "I think... maybe it was sent by her? Try touching it again."

Nodding, Kisshu placed his hand back on the fawn's head. Once again, the sweet voice of his beloved rang through his mind, and he closed his eyes to listen.

Kisshu, if you're hearing this, then I'm so relieved. I wanted to find you back at the ball when Deep Blue attacked, but I was dragged away by my sisters before I could. We all managed to escape and have been on the run for several days. Don't worry, though, we're safe. We made it to a magical cottage that belonged to an enchantress long ago and are protected by its barrier. Wherever you are, head for the three willow trees near the land's border in the south. That's where the cottage resides. The fawn will guide you and will make sure you get in. I hope Pai and Taruto are alright, I feel terrible involving them in this. Kisshu, I want you to know that Deep Blue is after me, and he knows about our love. I pray you'll be safe and careful while coming here, I couldn't handle it if anything happened to you. I love you, Kisshu.

With those last, loving words, the message ended. Kisshu drew back his hand, eyes glued to the ground. He could feel the faint feeling of tears building up in his eyes.

Her voice, Amai's voice, was like a new ray of hope shining down on him. Oh, how much he wanted to hear it again in person, hold her as she whispered those words in his ear. Now, he had a bigger chance to do that, knowing where she was. He spun quickly towards his companions.

"I know where she is!"

That was all they needed. Faster than blinking, the three followed the little fawn, their blood pumping in anxious vigor.

Amai, I'm coming!

The hopeful prince and his two friends did not notice the inky black bird flying high above them. It watched them and the fawn, and stayed close behind, knowing they would lead it to its master's prize.


The morning sun shone on the cottage, which was ringing with happy chatter. Currently, the princesses were all making a delicious breakfast of fresh fruit and bread. Amai used her magic to conjure the ingredients for the dough and aided Zakuro in baking it while Ichigo and Pudding gathered strawberries and blueberries from the garden. Mint was prepping drinks and Retasu was setting the table. Everyone's mood was, for once, peaceful and calm.

Amai hummed as she put a batch of dough in the oven, then went to wash her hands. Despite her remaining worries about Deep Blue and her love Kisshu, she was able to sleep well the previous night. Her dreams kept her mind at ease, letting her rest. Speaking of her dreams, though, they were a little strange. They were mostly of the enchantress and her doing random things at the cottage such as tending to the garden or practicing spells. They were like... memories. Amai truly felt like she was seeing the enchantress's memories.

How do I feel so connected to her? She wondered. Ever since the voice from the barrier, I feel like my entire being is tied to this place.

She stopped, something suddenly coming to her mind.

That voice... was that... the enchantress calling me?! But how... that's not possible. Is it?

"Amai, the bread is done."

Zakuro's statement cut Amai off from her thoughts. Gaining her composure, she went right to the oven, taking out the warm, perfectly baked bread. "That smells so good!" Pudding's cheerful voice yelled out as she and Ichigo made their way into the kitchen, their small baskets full of ripe berries. Washing them and placing them in a bowl, they took it along with the bread to the table, and soon, the sisters were digging into a wonderful breakfast.

Afterwards, when the table was cleared and dishes washed, they all spent their morning time basking in their new safe haven. Reading the enchantress's books, playing in the garden, making snacks in the kitchen. Somewhere around lunch, Amai found herself digging through an old study, no doubt where the enchantress studied and practiced her powers. The curiosity of the voice and the familiarity her magic felt was pushing her to find answers. For at least half an hour, she searched through the room. There were lots of interesting things, but she couldn't find anything that might help her achieve her goal.

"There has to be something here..." Amai said to herself, just finishing going over a desk of crystals and scrolls. She sighed and was just about to leave when she heard it.


Whipping her head around, the princess looked around the room.

The wall left of the desk, Amai. You'll find what you seek there.

Her eyes moved to the wall left of the desk she'd just searched. Slowly, she walked over. Not sure what exactly to do, she placed her hands on the wall, feeling around the smooth stone. Her right hand grazed a stone about the level of her neck, and when it did, she felt something. Leaning down just slightly, she looked very closely at the stone.

Right in the middle of it, there was a small carving. Squinting her eyes to get a better look, Amai realized it was the same mark she had seen on the willow tree back at the barrier of the cottage.

Her heart raced, knowing that there must be something hidden with this mark, just like the barrier. She placed both her hands on the mark, and, like before, it glowed at her touch. The stone and the ones closely surrounding it faded away, revealing a secret compartment. In that compartment was a book, lying flat and straight.

With shaky hands, Amai reached in and pulled the book out. It was a bit heavy, but she was able to lift it to inspect it. It was a beautiful book, a pure white cover with gold and silver decorations. The rims of the pages were also gold. On the cover was the mark. Amai was awestruck by it. She went to open the first page, to reveal what secrets were written...

"Amai! I need your help, please!" The voice of Ichigo rang from a distance. Pulling her hand away from the book's edge, Amai clutched it tight to her chest and left the room. Her mind was scolding her to ignore her sister and read the book, but she didn't, no matter how badly she wanted to. At least she now held possible answers, she just had to wait to discover them. 

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