Chapter 4

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Deep Blue couldn't forget anything about her. The nymph he had encountered a few nights before. "Amai". Her name rang in his mind like jingling bells. He remembered her smooth skin against his hand, her oh so soft hair on his fingers. Sparkling eyes, voice so delicate, she was perfect! He had to have her; he wouldn't be satisfied until he did.

However, he figured that she may have told her parents about what had happened, and no doubt she'd be heavily guarded if she did. Not that he minded bloodshed, but he wanted to get her easily without much of a fight. The question was, when was the best opportunity?

Standing up from his throne, he walked over to one of the massive windows that was covered with black glass. Opening it just slightly, he conjured an inky black raven with gleaming red eyes, speaking to it quietly.

"Go to the kingdom of the six princesses. Spy on Princess Amai and bring me whatever news you find that will allow me an opportunity to be alone with her." With a hoarse tweet, the bird flew away, off on its mission for its master.


Meanwhile, under the bright afternoon sun, the six princesses were outside having a picnic lunch together. Tea and juice, fresh fruit and pastries were settled on the large blanket, and the sisters were basking in the beauty of the day. Ichigo and Pudding were digging into the sweets, Mint was sipping her tea, Retasu was reading a book while quietly chewing on a piece of apple, and Zakuro was looking over her favorite dagger.

Amai lay on the grass a few feet away from her sisters, staring up into the sky. She had mostly pushed the Deep Blue incident out of her head, but every now and then his face would come back to her. She didn't tell anyone about what happened, not wishing to make her family worry. She loved them too much to risk themselves for her if they knew that Deep Blue was suddenly interested in her. Though she hoped that maybe, just maybe, he'd forgotten about her.

"Amai... Amai." She looked up at Ichigo, who had moved to right next to her. "Are you okay? You've been a little quiet lately." Amai sat up and smiled at her sister. "Yeah, I'm okay. Just thinking." A knowing smile formed onto Ichigo's face. "About a certain prince of yours?" At her question, the other princesses turned towards them, their mouths turning upwards into grins. Not saying anything, Amai felt herself daze off with the thought of her beloved Kisshu. He had visited again just the other day and being with him had allowed her to forget about Deep Blue. At first, though, he could tell that there was something off about her, but she assured him that she was fine.

It pained her, keeping something so terrifying a secret from everybody, but it would be best to act like it never happened.

"You know, I think that the time is getting closer." Mint said while smirking. Pudding and Ichigo had giddy looks while giggling. "You're right, Mint. I think it is." Amai stared at her sisters in confusion. "What time?" Her sisters gave her a look that read, "really?"

"You know, the time when Kisshu will ask you to marry him!" Pudding shouted while raising her hands in the air.

Amai's face flushed at her youngest sister's words. Marriage. She had never really imagined herself as a bride before, even after meeting Kisshu. But now, at 16, she realized that she was getting closer to the age of betrothal and marriage. Her eyes sparkled as she pictured herself in a beautiful white wedding gown, standing hand in hand with Kisshu, wedding bells ringing above them, with her family smiling and crying around them.

So deep in her blissful fantasy, it took her a minute or two to notice the sly, teasing expressions of her sisters, and she snapped back into reality in embarrassment.

"Come on, Amai. It's nothing to be shy about. You and Kisshu are in love, and you're 16. It's perfectly normal to talk about things like this." Zakuro said. Amai turned her head towards her. "I know, but I've never actually thought about it before."

"Seriously?!" Ichigo cried. "You've known and been smitten with him for seven years, officially in love for a year, you both are all lovey-dovey with each other now, and you haven't EVER dreamed about a future wedding with him?!" Amai nervously gazed away, her hands on her cheeks. "I mean...I...I..." She was sure that her face was like a ripe cherry by now at Ichigo's ranting.

"Relax, Ichigo." Mint said while putting a hand on her hip. "Amai, just think about it. With how deep your love is, it's only a matter of time." A smile spread across Mint's face as she looked at Amai. The others nodded in agreement.

Amai gazed at her sisters, thinking about what they all had said. A smile formed on her lips, her teeth gleaming and her eyes closing in happiness. "Mm!"

The princesses surrounded her with hugs and giggles. Their combined laughter filling the garden. After a few minutes, Pudding burst out of the group hug. "Oh yeah, we should start getting ready for the ball tonight!"

The sisters looked at her for a second, then with gasps of realization, hurried up, gathered their things, and raced back inside the palace, for there was to be a ball held later that evening at the palace.

Unknown to the girls, from the leaves of a nearby bush, a black raven with red eyes had been observing them, particularly the white-haired girl, and as soon as the princesses were inside, the little owner of those eyes spread out its wings and soared into the sky. Ready to present its master with the information it had gathered.

The raven flew through the sky towards the black castle, where at an open tower window, the king was waiting for it. Landing on the outstretched finger, the bird's eyes glowed, at while focusing on those eyes Deep Blue could see and hear everything his spy had gathered regarding his sweet little princess. When he learned about the ball, his lips quirked up wickedly.

"A ball, the perfect chance to see her again, and lure her away to be alone." The raven dissolved with a flick of his hand, and he started muttering a spell to disguise himself. After he was done, he looked into his mirror and bared his teeth in an evil grin.

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