Chapter 8

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The moon was dim, its light barley shining on the tired princesses.

After a long walk in the passageway, they had reached the end of that took them to another staircase. Walking up the stairs, they were greeted by the door of an old stable that was miles away from the castle. They were met by a kind old man who explained that he had offered the stable to the king and queen when they were constructing the passageway. After explaining the situation, he gave them his best four horses to use, insisting they need not pay him.

The sisters paired up on each horse. Mint with Zakuro, Pudding with Retasu, and Ichigo with Amai. The horses were fast and took them for at least nine or so miles before they needed to rest. Now, at a small pond where the horses could drink, the six princesses sat on the grass, exhausted. Sleep called to them, yet they all were afraid to shut their eyes. The nights events still heavy on them. Pudding lay on her stomach, drawing in the ground with her finger.

"I miss home." Retasu put her arm around her shoulder. "I know, Pudding. Me too." Mint sat on her knees, wrapping her arms around herself. "Where are we supposed to go? We can't stay out here." Ichigo looked at her. "Yeah, but we have to until we find someplace where Deep Blue won't find us."

As they were talking, Amai sat off to the side. She kept her head down, staring at her hands. She felt so pathetic. If she hadn't screamed, she could've saved so many lives. If she had never gone into the forest that night, she never would have met Deep Blue, and she would right now be at the castle with her family and her sweet Kisshu.

"Oh Kisshu, I pray you're safe." She clutched her locket. Had he been able to get home safely? Had he been hurt in the chaos? Amai prayed he'd know she had run away and come looking for her. She didn't notice Zakuro moving over to her until she felt a hand on her arm.

"Amai, are you alright?" She looked up at her oldest sister. Her mouth opened, but nothing came out of it. She wanted so badly to tell them why this was happening, why they were all out here and not at home. She wanted to tell them it was her fault, that she was the reason Deep Blue attacked. She wanted to but feared to.

"Amai?" Zakuro saw her lip quivering and her eyes shaking. Before she could say anything else, her younger sister's arms flung around her, a white head buried in her chest. The other girls stopped talking and looked over at them. Amai's voice came out in broken apologies.

"I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry, I'm so...." Her throat cracked as she cried. "This is my fault, this happened because of me...!" Retasu sat next to them, putting a hand on Amai's head. "What do you mean, Amai?"

Clutching Zakuro's dress, Amai sniffed before talking. "A few nights ago, I chased Sugar into the forest when she ran off. I ended up in Deep Blue's forest, where we met. He became obsessed with me, and said he wanted me. I escaped before he could do anything. I couldn't tell you guys because I didn't want you to worry. I thought keeping silent would protect everyone." She began to cry again. "Maybe... maybe if I kept quiet and didn't scream back at the palace, we wouldn't all be in danger right now. I might have been his prisoner, but you all would have been safe. I'm so sorry!" The dam broke again, and she sobbed.

It was silent for a few moments, her cries being the only sound. One by one, the sisters began to cry with her, wrapping their arms around her in a big group hug.

"It's not your fault, Amai." Mint said through her tears. "You didn't do anything wrong." Ichigo added. "You were protecting us, that's what sister's do!" Pudding cried. "I would have done the same if it was me." Retasu assured. "We'll stand with you through this." Zakuro vowed.

Amai was surrounded by the warmth of her sisters, their comforting words ringing in her ears. She felt the weight of her guilt being lifted off her shoulders from their love, which made her heart feel better.

The girls spent some time in their embrace, crying together. The cool night air brushed their skin. When they started to calm down, they slowly released each other. Amai let go of Zakuro's shirt and wiped her cheeks.

"I love you, guys." The girls looked at their sister, smiling. "We love you, too." Then, Pudding yawned, the crying having worn her out. Mint observed the weary girl. "I think we all need some sleep." Nodding heads approved of the suggestion, everyone getting comfortable on the soft grass. Within minutes, the princesses were all fast asleep, regaining their strength for the continuing journey the morning would bring.


Ordering a guard to fetch his horse, Deep Blue scowled. He had searched every corner of the castle, looking for Amai. Any servant that had no knowledge of her whereabouts he had killed, the king and queen imprisoned.

His guards had located the princess's bedchambers, and from the clothes missing from her closet and the emptiness of some spaces, she had escaped with her sisters, whose rooms were also in the same condition. In a group of six, he figured (as well as hoped) she couldn't have gotten too far, especially since the sisters would have needed time to rest.

Grabbing the reins of the horse that the guard had brought, he hoisted himself onto the saddle. Turning towards the woods, he barked at the soldiers; "I want every man at the palace ready to part within the hour! Search far and wide, cover every inch of ground for ten miles in every direction! I want Princess Amai!"

He kicked the horse and sped towards his palace, the guards rushing behind him. The chase had begun. 

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