Chapter 2

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However, while the young princess's kingdom was glowing with love, the kingdom that rested across the great forest was the opposite. A realm of endless shadow, a place where evil lurked. The darkness that covered the land was unbreakable and drowned the poor people in misery and grief. Chained to their miserable lives by their cruel king, Deep Blue. A sorcerer with incredible power, colder than ice and darker than midnight. He was wickedly handsome, with sapphire blue eyes, almost white skin, and long black hair.

However, no girl had ever approached him, for they feared his power and cruelty. The evil king was void of love and warmth, and he ruled his realm with no compassion or care for his subjects. It was the one place that Amai feared above anything else, and she never dared to go anywhere near its border whenever she was in the forest.

Yet that very night, everything would change for her, her family, her love, everything. The sweet princess was walking down the halls, skipping every few steps while humming to herself, when she saw something outside of the window. Looking through the glass, she saw her little Sugar. The little feline usually wandered around the grounds when she wasn't with her princess.

Amai smiled at her animal friend, but all of a sudden, the kitten sped off into the woods. Worried, Amai lifted her skirt, ran out of the palace, past the gates and into the forest, following her beloved pet.


"My lord, I have news." A guard said as he walked into the dim throne room, where Deep Blue sat on his blackened throne. "What?" the dark king asked. The guard bowed down and looked at his master. "There is an intruder approaching the middle of the woods. I shall go and kill him." he said and started to walk out when the king's voice stopped him. "No, I shall go and do this myself. I am bored, and I quite enjoy watching others suffer pain." The guard nodded as Deep Blue took his sword and headed out.

It had grown very dark, but Amai didn't stop running after the little cat. "Oh, why did she run off?" she thought as she made her way to a part of the woods she did not recognize. The trees were towering and almost black, and looking back she did not see her kingdom. Then, with a frightful gasp, she realized where she was.

The shadowy kingdom on the other side of the forest. The princess shivered as she remembered the stories her parents had told her of this place. The poor, helpless people, the merciless soldiers, and the evil enchanter that ruled. Amai had never imagined she'd end up here, frightened to her soul. But she kept calling her cat's name, praying she was safe, not knowing of the danger that she herself was about to be put into.

A couple dozen feet away, Deep Blue was closing where the intruder was, his sword ready to in his hand. As he came closer, he hid behind a tree, looking over his shoulder. His breath suddenly caught in throat.

The intruder was a young girl, a princess it seemed. Her captivating eyes glittering in the darkness, her long hair illuminated under the moon, and her lips so supple and soft looking. Never had the dark sorcerer seen anything so enchanting. He inched closer, still behind the tree, and stared at her, instantly in love with her. Lustful eyes watched like a predator as she spun in circles, calling out for someone, her voice like a siren to his ears. He wanted her. To steal her, bound her, have her all to himself. 

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