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Rosé had a huge grin plastered on her face, hands filled with blue roses that she knows her wife adores. Her heart was so full, she thought about what Jennie's reaction would be once she showed up to her photoshoot.

It was Jennie's very first campaign ever since she started to job. Everyday at night when they would come home, cuddled up to each other, she listened to all kinds of stories and big news ever since she pursued her dream. Every word, every single joy that spilled out of her mouth, Rosé had it glued onto her mind.

She loved seeing her happy.

And wanting to surprise her, she hoped that too would also make her happy. She took another deep breath and opened the door. She was clearly not prepared with the sight as her mouth became agape, the grip on the flowers seemed to loosen the more she took in the sight.

There she was. Jennie. She was wearing simple clothes and simple makeup. Her jeans were paired with a simple jean jacket and she was laying down, posing for the camera as a bunch of shutters came flashing around the room. All eyes were on her, including Rosé who couldn't seem to look away even if she wanted to.

Beautiful. She couldn't stop saying it, even if she wanted to. Jennie had everyone's attention. Even if it wasn't for a photoshoot, she'd be damned to take everyones eyes on her anyway.

That same smile on her face seemed to grew at each second that pasts by. It was as if time stopped and everyone else faded away except Jennie, whom still didn't notice Rosé's presence.

Just as she was about to drop the bouquet of flowers, she pulled herself together once the director in the room yelled for a few minute break, before complimenting Jennie. Jennie got up and smiled at everyone, thanking them until she saw Rosé. Still holding those damn flowers and that stupid grin she loves.

"Rosie!" Jennie screamed uncontrollably, running up to her and jumping into her arms, knocking the flowers out of her hands. It felt good, so good being in her arms, especially in a moment like this. She giggled happily in her neck and breathed in Rosé's scent, like she was gone for a million years.

"I thought you had work?" She asked once she pulled away. She noticed the flowers on the ground and picked it up and smelled the flowers, smiling afterwards.

"I did. But you are more important." Rosé remarked, picking up one of her hands and kissed it. Jennie blushed at the action. "So how is it? Are you having a good time?"

"Yeah I am, actually. Everyone is so kind and treats me well during the photoshoot, it's not as stressful as I thought it would be." She smiles.

"Good." Rosé kisses her forehead, "I'm not sure how I feel about everyone's eyes on my wife, but as long as you're safe and happy then that's all that matters."

Jennie laughs and kisses her lips assuringly. She loves this side of Rosé. This side where she isn't afraid of showing her feelings. The side where only she could see. She sets the flowers on a table before pushing Rosé and cradling her face into her hands and leaning in. There's a chance that they might get caught but neither of them cared. The feeling of just them overpowered anything else.

"Already kissing me during your job? How unprofessional." She joked, shaking her head.

"Shut up." She says, kissing her again. "You stay right here, I'm almost done with the photoshoot." Jennie smiles, beginning to run off before quickly remembering something.

"You owe me dinner this time! And you're paying!" She yells, scrambling back to the photoshoot after.

Rosé just laughs as she leans against the wall, staring at Jennie the entire time. She carries the flowers in hand for her as she thinks about how beautiful Jennie truly is. She can't get enough of her.

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