First girl- Chris

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3rd person

Chris Sturniolo had never had a girlfriend before y/n. He's always been "scared of women", "hasn't found the one," and so forth. Until y/n, she wasn't exactly perfect or anything, but she was for Chris. He'd liked girls, he'd hung out and kissed them and such, but never been devoted to one girl, or any at all really.

They met at a party, some friend of larray. He told Nick that he thought she was pretty. Nick got y/n's number for Chris, to prevent him from embarrassing himself. He did however introduce himself shortly after as to not seem weird.

The next morning Chris invited the girl to hang out. However Matt and Nick left unbeknownst to Chris. Leaving the two to be alone together. It was only awkward for a few minutes, then they were laughing and getting along well. It was hours before Nick and Matt returned and the two were still talking away. They four talked briefly before Nick and Matt left to their respective rooms.

"Hey you wanna go eat or to the mall or something tomorrow?" Y/n asked to Chris' surprise. "Yeah for sure!!" Chris spat quickly. Plans had never been made on a second date or whatever this was before for Chris. On top of that y/n kissed Chris on the way out, he reciprocated the gesture of course, yes he was still shocked.

The two did go out to the mall the next day. They went on numerous dates with y/n taking the lead before Chris asked her to be his girlfriend on date number six. To say the least his friends and brothers were all astonished and proud.

I fed yall now eat 🙏🏼🙏🏼

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