The Loss

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Life is as feeble as a candle light. It burns brightly for a while, and anytime it can be extinguished, another life taken, another dragon laid in fire, another sister, daughter, cousin, was laid rest in the arms the God's of Old Valyria.

They stood tall in the cliff of Driftmark as they watched the body or what was left of Laena being buried in the way of her house, Valeria wore a long black dress and a black veil. She stood beside Baela and with Rhaena on the middle of her and Rhaenys.

Vaemond Velaryon, step up to oversee the funeral ceremonies.

"Īlon join tubī rȳ se seat hen embar. (We join today at the Seat of the Sea)." He started.

"Naejot commit se laena hen lentor velaryon naejot se eternal waters, se dominion hen merling dārys, skoriot kessa  guard zirȳla syt mirre se tubissa naejot māzigon. (To commit the Laena of House Velaryon to the eternal waters, the dominion of the Merling King, where he will  guard her for all the days to come)."

"Hae ziry sets naejot embar syt zirȳla mōrī voyage. (As she sets to sea for her final Voyage)."

"Se riña laena tēmbi true-borm daughters va se rāenion. (The lady Laena leaves true-borm daughters on the shore)." He said, but this time, Valeria felt something was amiss in his words as he stared, no more like glaring sharp daggers towards Daemon.

"Though pōja muña kessa daor return hen pōja voyage, kessi umbagon isse bond hēnkirī isse ānogar. (Though their mother will not return from their voyage, they will remain in bond together in blood), " He said sharply as his gazes towards the girls, this time his gaze contained softness. But this time, Aegir felt his great uncle prejudice and glared towards him. If it's not his aunt's funeral, he will not hesitate to berate him, Emarys held Aegir in her hands to not let him do things that will cause chaos in her aunt's funeral, Emarys knows how much Aegir loves their little brothers, though she loved them, she can say confidently that her love is not as much as she love Aegir.

"Lopor courses rȳ valeryon ānogar. (Salt courses through Valeryon blood)." He said as he nodded toward the twins, Aegir and Emarys, and slowly glanced towards Rhaenyra's boys with a concealed mocking dancing in his eyes.

"Īlvon dakogon qumblie. (Ours runs thick)." He said firmly as he continued to glance at the boys. This time, Aegir gritted his teeth as his grip on his sister's arms tightened.

"Īlvon dakogon drēje. (Ours runs true).." He said sharply, Valeria tried to distract her thoughts and not make a scene, just for Laena, she tried to ignore such blatant insult just for Laena, but her hug and hold towards Baela tighten, and the little girl notice it but buried herself in Valeria's arms as tears continued to stream down her eyes  sensing the warmth of Valeria's touch it remind her of their mother.

"Se īlvon ēdruta dōrī vasrie. (And Ours must never thin)." Vaemond spoke truly and harshly.

Valeria carress Baela's back as the memories of Laena cloud her mind, her sweet Laena, why....why must it be her?.

"Great aunt, let's fly together!! Please!!!"

"Great aunt!!! I have a dragon!! Vhagar chose me!!" She said as her eyes brightened with excitement and joy.

"Great aunt, come at my wedding.." She said dreamily, though she hates the men that courts her.

"Great aunt!! Laenor is being a wussy!!!" Her voice of complaint.

"Great Valeria....Will you fly with me?!!" She asked with exciting and expectation.

"Will you teach how to fight?" She asked with conviction.

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