Chapter 35 - 6 months later

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"Hi.... How are you feeling?." The doctor said, she looked over the bed at Sera and then at her vitals on the machine beeping next to her.

"Where am I?." Sera asked her confused and still groggy.

"You're in the hospital, You have been here with us a for a long time... you've been in a coma for 6 months..."

Sera's eyes darted all over the place. She looked at the nurse and doctor pleadingly. "What?...." She was confused and breathing deeply. "Who am I?."

The nurse looked at her and tried to calm her. "We were hoping you could tell us.... this is the first time you have woken since you arrived... do you not know your name?." She asked, making notes of this.

"How... how long have I been here?.." she said completely rocked.

"6 months...

"What!..." she said winded. "6 months... wait..what?..."

"It's okay, calm down... don't over exert yourself now.. so soon after waking... give yourself time to come round and then we'll talk to you.. The police also want to talk to you too..." she smiled.

Sera lie there staring up at the ceiling. No recollection of who she was or even how or why she was in the trunk of someone's car.


Cassius giggled and climbed up onto his father and away from Kerrigan who was chasing him. "Don't over excite him," Reece said.

 "Don't over excite him," Reece said

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"He's fine aren't you baby boy." Diana said and kissed his lil head. "He's just full of energy..." She said taking him from his father.

Cassius was just a year old now. 6 months had passed and Reece had given up on trying to find and talk to Sera. She had sent a text to him one last time on the night after the event she ran from. Telling Reece that it was all too much, motherhood and being his girl, living the life she did with him, she needed a fresh, clean getaway and that she would never be back.

Of course he did all that he could to find her but she was nowhere to be seen. Everyone kept telling him she didn't want to be found. He struggled with business and raising his baby son, so Diana stepped in, they weren't back together but she helped him raise him to give him time to be able to run his business.

Diana followed him to the door. "I'll pick him up around 6." He said as he turned and looked at her.

"Reece... I'm sorry she did this to you...

He sighed. "She made it clear in her text and she made sure than no one can find her... I loved her Diana.. I may have been shit at showing it but I loved her..."

Diana sighed and rolled her eyes. "I know... I also know what a moody, different person you are that she's not around... but she left you... she left her child.. what kinda mother does that?... you know Cassius will have everything that he wants and needs with me and you taking care of him.." she smiled.

He smiled back and then he left.


"The police are here to talk to you..." Sera's nurse smiled after she had helped her to freshen herself up. "Take it easy with her please." She said to the officers and left the room.

"Hi..." the female officer said softly. "I know this is a huge shock for you.. but I wondered if we could ask you some questions?... I'm detective Westcott and this is my partner Detective Rylan... we have been waiting a long time for you to wake up...."

"I don't know anything.. I don't even know my own name, where I come from... I don't know anything..." she said and her eyes glistened.

She sat with her and held her hand. "6 months ago, you were found in the trunk of a car in the middle of a scrap yard... the workers there found you while they were doing some last minute checks... luckily just in time before the car was due to be crushed.... the car had been stolen and when you were found you had no id on you.. you had nothing on you..."


"No... you were naked, badly beaten to within an inch of your life.. and there was evidence of sexual assault..."

Sera swallowed hard. "Please don't say that... I can't remember anything.. I can't remember." She said beginning to panic.. "why can't I remember?.."

"It's okay.. I understand from your doctors that you have amnesia, how significant we will find out in the coming days... but I am going to ask you some questions and see if anything triggers a memory at all, like a location or the fact that you were in the early stages of pregnancy..."

Sera was shocked and deeply distressed when she heard this. She was in floods of tears, what had happened to her sounded harrowing. The nurse could sense her stress and tried to calm her. "I'm gonna need to ask you to leave.." she told the police.

The female officer stood up. "I will come back.. we will help you piece together what happened and who you are.. but only as soon as you're strong enough.." she smiled and left with her partner.

"Is it true... is it all true?." Sera said to her nurse.

She sat next to her. "Yes... yes sweetie it is... you had been sexually assaulted and beaten so badly no one thought you would make it...

"And the baby?."

The nurse looked at her and squeezed her hand. "I'm sorry.... the baby never made it... by the time you got to the hospital the pregnancy was already gone..." she smoothed the back of her hand. "I'm so sorry...

"Will I... will I regain my memory?.." she asked her.

"We hope so... but the brain is a complex machine and it will only come back to us when it's ready... for now I want you to rest.. you need to get stronger.. you won't be leaving here for a while yet.." she told her.

Sera was left feeling numb, she had not one flicker of a maybe, a lil glimmer of light on who she was, nothing at all.


Romeo lie in bed with Heaven sleeping across his chest. Maddison came upstairs. "She's sleeping finally...

"She's teething... I remember when Sera was like this..." his smile faded.

" his smile faded

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"It's okay...

"Where the hell is she Maddie?." He said. "She's just disappeared, left behind her son... I know that things were bad for her I just didn't realise how bad... I could have done more, I should have done more..

"She stopped talking to you... what else were you supposed to do...

"She needed me... and I let her go...."

"Has she been in touch with Walker?."

He shook his head. "No... he shot through to.... I mean for all I know she went with him... and maybe they finally have that father and daughter bond..." he told her.

"Don't think like that... you were a great father to her. She loves you and you know it... Sera is complicated... she always runs from things, she needs to distance herself to see things clearly... she ran away before remember... just remember we love you no matter what.." she said and kissed his lips....

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