In the Shower

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  Your muscles still ache that you get from your job. Imagine you work for 8 hours and dealing your hot-headed can be stressful  as well as having colleagues, who talk shit behind your back. So, when you arrived at your bedroom, you decided to take a shower so you could lay back on a soft sofa, eating popcorn while watching your favorite movie. You took off your clothes tiredly, and now walking straight inside the bathroom to take a hot shower. You can’t help but shiver from the cold night touching your delicate and pale skin.

Once your inside the bathroom, you turn on the hot water from the shower. ‘Ohhh’. You moan when the hot water caresses your skin—from your head down to your creamy legs. You put your favorite shampoo on your hair and lather thoroughly with the soap that made your husband go wild. ‘Oops, did I forget to tell you that I’m already married? ’.

Yes, you’re married to someone who doesn’t like to see you cry and is very protective. Sometimes you find it annoying, but you can’t deny that you love it. You loved it when he became aggressive towards the people who taunted you and made you feel like trash on this earth. He’s the husband for whom you've been hoping and praying your entire life.

At first, you thought that the two of you wouldn’t click because of your differences. You’re someone who’s talkative, and he’s someone who’s... quiet ‘I think’, well, EXCEPT in sex. But yeah, he’s different from you. Sometimes, you think that he wouldn’t be interested in courting you because, from your perspective, he won’t fall for you.

Months later, you became lovers. Some of his friends are dumbstruck, but he doesn’t care. For him, you’re someone who’s precious and needs protection. He promise that he will do anything for you.

The two of you dated for 2 years, like getting to know each other—for REAL. That year, both of your true behaviors and attitude finally came out of the cage. Yet, the two of you accepted each other candidly. You can't imagine yourself being happy with anyone else other than him.

Until one day, your whole body started to crumble like paper when he didn’t arrive on time on your date. He invited you to a date not far from your home. When you arrive at the restaurant, a bunch of lovers are there, talking sweetly in front of each other; some of them are already leaving and hugging tightly to one another. You look around inside and choose a seat that you favor. You choose the seat near the window glass.

Five minutes later, he still hadn’t arrived, which makes you worried. You did not receive any messages from him either. Your stomach churns and a dread feeling eating your heart—dread being rejected and
left alone by your boyfriend. ‘What if he doesn’t love me anymore? What if he regrets being with me? ‘. There are lots of “what ifs” running through your head.

When you see the clock, it’s already 8:30 p.m., which means he’s almost 10 minutes late. Then, you notice the awkward gaze of the employees inside the restaurant. They were throwing worried and pity-filled glances at your spot. With that, they give you a cold glass of water, which you immediately drink until there’s nothing left.

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