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Because I'm in a writers block with my other books I decided to start a F1 one shot book, this book will be updated when I have an small idea and I decide to write about it :)

A small things before we start:
- This book contains boy x boy content, if you don't like it I think it's better to leave
- English isn't my first language, so if there are any mistakes I would like to hear it!
- I'm not really long in this fandom yet, so please correct me if I make a mistake about the content!
- All of this is fake, I get that the ships this book will contain aren't always realistic and that some of the drivers have girlfriends, this is just for fun :)
- I don't want to offend or hate on any driver while writing this, I don't like all of the drivers equally but I will not offend any of them in these chapters <3

Most of the chapters will play 'round 2023/2024 but there could be chapters which play years ago, if it's confusing just let me know <3

All the one shots are written in driver's POV's, the POV of the person will be indicated like this:
(Work text)

I hope this is understandable lol

🩷: means ship
🤍: means friendship

Have fun reading! I hope you all like it!

xx Britt

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