🩷Kiss me (Carlando)🩷

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Kiss me, Sixpence None The Richer

"Then kiss me" I say. "What? Are you-" "Carlos, kiss me."

The first thing I think of when I park the car at the p1 place is Carlos. Honestly I think of him with everything I do, but that doesn't matter right now. I just had my first win, my first fucking win. I don't think this feeling can compare to something else cause wow, this feels awesome.

I jump out of the car. I start to look for Carlos, I spot him coming out of his car, but before I can walk to him Max pats my back. "Well job mate!" He says, he really looks like a proud brother, I smile. "Thank you!" Charles walks to me too, he gives me a hug. "Congrats!" He says happily. "Thanks Charles" I say. Charles lets me go again and I start walking to Carlos. On my way Fernando stops me, he hugs me and pats me on my helmet. I grin at him. "Amazing job Lando, be proud of yourself!" He says, my smile turns wider as I thank him.

After I took my helmet off I walk towards Carlos. He smiles and immediately pulls me into a tight hug. "Wow Lan, congrats" he says soft. I hear he got a bit emotional and smile. With his hand still on my back we walk into the pit late.

When I celebrated my win and a I talked to most of the drivers, I lay down on the bed of my hotel room. There's a knock on the door. I stand up again and open. Daniel stands there. "How's the fresh champ doing?" He asks, I laugh. "I'm good, come in Dan." I step away and Daniel walks past me inside.

"How are you though?" I ask. "Well, a bit disappointed about my results, but I am so damn happy for you it sort of faded" he says, with the big smile of his on his face. "Aw mate." I open my eyes for a hug. Daniel chuckles and hugs me.

"So, any tea about you and Carlos?" I groan and feel my cheeks getting hot. I dramatically fall down on the bed, Daniel laughs. Daniel is the only one I told about my crush on Carlos. I tried to keep it a secret but somehow Daniel can get every little thing what's on my mind out of me. "He got a bit emotional when he hugged me, I thought I would die on the fucking spot" I say, I grab a pillow and hide my face. A weight comes down on the bed, revealing that Daniel is sitting next to me.

"You really like him don't you?" Daniel asks, I can hear the smile in his voice. I nod. "But I'm his best friend, I'm scared I'll fuck everything up by telling him" I explain, I toss the pillow away. "I think you should tell him how you feel, especially in the life we're living on. Life can be short" Daniel says, I chuckle a bit because that is probably the most serious thing that ever came out of his mouth. "Do I sound old now?" Daniel asks laughing. I nods and laugh too.

There's a knock on the door. I stand up and open, Carlos stands there. "Oh, hi!" I say. I let him in. "Am I interrupting a conversation?" He asks, looking at Daniel. Daniel shakes his head and stands up. "Nope, I was just going" he says. He winks briefly at me so Carlos doesn't notice. I raise my middle finger to him inconspicuously. Daniel chuckles. "Bye guys." Carlos and I both say goodbye and Daniel.

Carlos lays down on my bed and stares at the ceiling, I sit down next to him. "Is there something wrong?" I ask, a bit worried. Carlos looks at me and smiles. "I'm just disappointed I couldn't be on the podium with you like I promised..." he confesses, I can hear he's truly upset about it. "Aw, Carlos, that's totally fine!" "But I promised! You know I don't break promises" he says. He sits straight up. "Especially when I promised something to you" he adds.

I smile. "It's not a problem you muppet! I'm already happy you were there with me to celebrate. I didn't gave a shit about the whole podium because I knew you were proud of me, that's what matters for me, not if you're on the same platform as me for five minutes" I say. I see Carlos relaxes. "Are you really sure?" He does asks then. "Yes I am, I swear it!"

I spent the rest of the evening with Carlos, we talk about the most random stuff and end up drinking a beer on the balcony. "How does it feel now you won a race?" Carlos asks. "Amazing, I finally won after fifteen podiums, and people won't tease me because I never won anymore" I say with a smile. Carlos smiles back at me. "That's great, you deserved the win Lan" he says. He wraps his arm around my shoulder, I lean against him and we both look at the view we have over the city from this balcony.

"I want to ask you something" Carlos says then. "But I can't ask it on the balcony, we should get back inside." I look curious at Carlos. "Oh, well, I'm curious now so let's get back in." Carlos laughs a bit, but it's sounds more like a nervous chuckle than a real laugh. I grab the two empty bottles of beer and we walk back inside together.

I put the empty bottles away and go stand opposite Carlos. "So, what do you wanna ask?" Carlos breaks eye contact and looks at the floor. "Um... well- oh shit this is gonna sound so cringe..." he says, he scratches his neck and looks back at me. "Ask it you idiot, your making me curious!" I say impatiently, Carlos laughs short. "I'm sorry if I ruin your whole evening now, but Lando... I- I really like you. And I honestly want nothing more than kiss you" Carlos says, I feel like I'm drowning in his dark eyes. "Then kiss me" I say. "What? Are you-" "Carlos, kiss me."

Carlos looks confused at me. "What are you waiting for?" I ask with a crooked smile. He seems to doubt for one more second, but leans forward and kisses me tender. I kiss back. It looks like Carlos got his confidence back, because he pulls away, smiles at me, and kisses me more passionate this time. I chuckle soft and go on with the kiss.

After the kiss Carlos smiles at me. "So what now?" I ask, still with my head in the clouds from the kiss. "We should go for dinner somewhere tomorrow" he suggests. "That would be awesome!" I reply enthusiastically, Carlos laughs. "Great, I'll text you the details! I have to go now, see you tomorrow." Carlos kisses my cheek and walks out of the room.

Two minutes after Carlos is gonna there's another knock on the door, when I open I see Daniel. "What happend, what happend?" He asks curious, I let him in and close the door. "Did you guys kiss?" Daniel asks, I smirk. "Oh my god! You did! You kissed?!" I laugh. "Yes, we kissed, and we're going out for dinner tomorrow" I reply. "That is amazing mate!" Daniel hugs me. "I'm so happy for you, finally you two are going out!" He says, I laugh. "Thanks Dan!" "No problem! But you better keep me updated! And now you're going to tell me all the details!" I laugh again. "Okay, fine. Sit down."

If you have a request for a one shot, just let me know <3

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