🩷someday I'll get it (Brocedes)🩷

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someday I'll get it, Alex Olsen

"I noticed you don't like me no more" I mumble. "And it breaks my heart."

Nico (Rosberg)
With a heavy heart I walk to my chair, today I have to help by the press conference, and I know Lewis is gonna be there, I know I have to look Lewis in the eye and act like nothing happend. Act like he didn't broke my heart. I honestly don't know why the tension became so high between Lewis and me in 2016. We were best friends, actually even more than best friends, we just never really confessed it to each other. After we got by Mercedes together we just drifted apart, which is a shame actually, we were always really close.

Luckily Jenson is here with me, he knows I'm not looking forwards to tonight and decided to go with me. When I walk onto the grid Jenson is already there. "Hi mate" he smiles and gives me a pat on my back.

Jenson and I walk to the press conference room, Damon Hill is already standing there and he and Jenson get into a conversation, I let my eyes get over the grid. I see a few drivers here and there but I don't see Lewis yet. I am actually getting pretty nervous, I haven't heard his voice in real life since years.

After waiting for a few minutes a few drivers are sitting in front of us, ready for the interview. Then Lewis walks in too, I notice he avoids eye contact with me and I already get a bad feeling about this. I look at Jenson and he sees the look on my face. He gives me a reassuring smile and we start with the interview.

We all ask a few questions. Suddenly the other interviewer asks me if he can asks something about Lewis's progress since 2016. I shrug and just nod. I have no idea what I can expect.

"Lewis, do you think you're a better driver than in '16?" He asks. "Yes" Lewis answers. "And teammate."

It's silent, my mouth falls a bit open and I feel my eyes tear, fast I blink the tears away. Jenson looks at Lewis in disbelief, then his face turns towards me. I can't look at him, I can only stare at Lewis, he just avoids eye contact. After the short silence the others continue with the interview. Jenson tries to get contact with me a few times but all I can do is stare at the space in front of me. What the fuck did just happend? Why did Lewis say that?

After the interview Lewis walks past me without saying anything. "What the fuck" I mumble. Jenson walks up to me. "Are you okay?" He asks, he really sounds worried. "Yeah, yeah I'm fine, I just don't get why he would say that" I answer. My heart is broken, but it's not like Jenson would get it. "Are you sure?" He asks then. "Yes, I just... need a minute." Jenson pats my shoulder. "Okay mate, just call me if you need me." I nod and walk away.

When I'm walking over the grid I suddenly feel my phone vibrate in my pocket a few times. I try to ignore it but it just keeps vibrating. With an annoyed sight I grab my phone. I have texts. From Lewis.


Lewis: Can we talk?

Lewis: Please?

Lewis: Look, I'm sorry ok?

Lewis: Nico don't ignore me I know ur still on the grid

Lewis: Please Nico

Lewis: I didn't mean to say that

Lewis: Text me back

I roll my eyes at the text. Firstly he says something what hurts me without thinking and now he wants to talk? No, I'm not gonna do that, I'm not gonna make this mistake again. I just put my phone away again and continue walking. But my phone keeps vibrating when I'm walking, and after a few minutes I'm completely done with it.


Lewis: Nico please I can see you're reading this

Lewis: Answer me

Lewis: Nico...

Lewis: I'm sorry for hurting you

Nico: No you are not because if you were you would've thought twice what you were gonna answer

Nico: There was no need to say "and teammate"

Nico: You couldn't look at me for the whole fucking interview but you can say things like this?

Nico: I'm done with you hurting me like this

Nico: So no, I'm not gonna talk to you. Screw you

Lewis: Nico please, I really didn't mean to hurt you

Lewis: Can we please please talk

Lewis: I just wanna apologise

Nico: I know how it goes

Nico: You promise you won't hurt me again and then you tell me you love me

Nico: You told me that last time and look where we are now

Nico: I'm not believing your stupid apologies anymore Lewis


I put my phone on "do not disturb" mode and walk further. I'm not gonna let Lewis ruin me ever again. I am done with him and his apologies.

I'm walking further when suddenly someone grabs my arm. I turn around and see Lewis. "What did I just told you?" I say angrily. "Nico please, you don't have to forgive me but let me at least explain myself" he begs. I roll my eyes. "Fine then." Lewis smiles thankfully. "Don't give me that smile or I'll punch it of your face " I say annoyed. I see Lewis holds back his laugh and get my arm out of his grip. "Come on, we're gonna talk in my motorhome" he says, and he takes me with him.

After Lewis closes the door behind us he goes stand opposite me. "Look Nico, I don't know what happend in the interview. It just randomly came out. And I only realised what I said after I said it. And I'm sorry for that, I never meant to hurt you" he explains. I sight unbelieving but I hear Lewis is really sorry about it. "You don't believe me, do you?" Lewis says soft.

"I noticed you don't like me no more" I mumble. "And it breaks my heart." I look at the floor, but I can feel Lewis stare at me. "Nico..." he whispers then. I look up. "You broke my heart multiple times Lewis, do you get I don't believe you anymore? It's always the same story" I say. Lewis nods slowly. "Sorry" he mumbles. "I am really sorry Nico."

Lewis and I look at each other. "I never meant to hurt you... I swear. It's just... I'm nervous for the race and it feels like I'm on automatic mode. And I think it was the same in 2016" he says. I look in Lewis eyes and I see the guilty look in them. I sight. "I have no idea what to do with this" I mumble.

"Nico..." he says then. "Letting you go was the hardest thing I've ever had to do..." I feel something in me change, a loving feeling. Fuck. I can't let this happen again. "Get away from me" I say then. "What?" "Lewis, get away from me, I can't deal with another heartbreak." I sit down on the couch and feel tears running over my cheeks.

I feel a weight coming down on the couch, then I feel an arm around my shoulder. "Shh, it's okay" I hear Lewis say soft. "Why do we keep doing this to ourselves Lew?" I sob. "Because we love each other, right? Do you still love me?" He asks. It's silent for a moment. "Yes, I still love you." I sight. "Fuck, this is terrible!" I hide my head in my hands. "This could be a restart of something beautiful Nic, but only if you really want it, and if you're ready for it" Lewis says then. 

After I cried out I look Lewis in the eyes. "If we start again Lewis, you have to promise me you are gonna take care of me, you have to promise me you say it if something's wrong, and you have to promise me you will think about the things you say" I say, tears still in my eyes. Lewis smiles soft and pulls me into a hug. "I promise you, I swear it on Roscoe" he says. I start to laugh. "You idiot." I feel Lewis gives me a kiss on my hair. "Thanks for giving me another chance, I promise I won't fuck it up" he says, I smile and hug Lewis a bit tighter. "It's all good."

Requests are welcome :) <3
Have a nice day x

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