🤍Waiting room (Charlos)🤍

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Waiting room, Phoebe Bridgers

"And I can wish all that I want" Charles says. "But it won't bring us together, he's gone."

It's a few hours after the Monaco Grand Prix, I'm walking to Charles' house to congratulate him again. When I ring the bell I hear Leo bark. Alexandra, Charles' girlfriend, opens the door. "Hi, is Charles home?" I ask. Alexandra gives me a confused look. "No, he said he was with you" she says. Surprised I look at her. "Oh, then he is probably still on the grid" I say to calm her down, although I'm pretty sure I saw Charles leave. "Okay! Can you tell him to come home soon?" She asks with a smile. "Yes sure! I will." "Thank you."

Suddenly Leo walks past Alexandra's legs, I can just catch him before he walks onto the street. "Woah there little guy" I say with a laugh. I pick him up and give him back to Alexandra. "God, you're a lifesaver Carlos, thank you" she says with a smile, she pets Leo over his head. "Ah no problem, I'll go find Charles" I say.

I think about where Charles could be at a moment like this. I decide to sent him a text.

Carlos: Hey mate, where are you? I just was at your house and you wasn't there, I told Alexandra you were still at the grid so she wouldn't worry but I'm pretty sure I saw you leave

Carlos: Are you okay?

Charles: Yeah I'm fine, don't worry

Carlos: Where are you?

Carlos: Charles?


He doesn't reply anymore, it's good to know that he's okay though. But it's quite terrifying that he won't tell me where he's hanging out. Charles is one of my best friends, I see him more than my family. He is like my family. I'm gonna miss him as my teammate next season. But this isn't about me, it's about Charles.

Charles won the Grand Prix today, he was so happy, but also very emotional. He told me he misses his dad, and Jules. Then I suddenly get an idea where Charles can be.


I take a taxi to the graveyard, I firstly walk to the grave of Charles' dad, there lay fresh flowers, but Charles isn't there. Then I start to walk to Jules' grave, and I see a person with a red hoodie standing there. I sight relieved that I found Charles and walk up to him.

"I thought you would be here" I say, I go stand next to Charles, when I look at his face I see tears streaming over his cheeks. I lay my hand on his back, Charles startles out of his thoughts and looks at me. "Jesus Carlos, you scared me." He wipes the tears of his face. "What are you doing here?" He asks. "I was a bit worried about you, as you didn't want to tell me where you were" I reply. "Sorry" Charles mumbles. "Don't be, I get it."

"I just have such mixed feelings about today, because I am so so happy about my win, but it also feels sad my dad and Jules never could've seen me win here..." he mutters, I see tears forming in his eyes again. "I get that Char, it must be so hard for you..." I then notice Charles has a small bouquet of daisies in his hands.

"Those are beautiful" I say, pointing to the flowers. Charles smiles sadly. "Yeah... Daisies always were Jules' favourite, he used to have one behind his phone case, he said it brought him luck." He looks at me. "Can you hold them for one second?" I nod and Charles gives the bouquet to me, he picks one daisy out of it and grabs his phone. Then he puts the daisy behind his phone case, I can also see a picture of him, his dad and Jules behind it. I never knew he had that behind his phone case, but I decide to say nothing of it.

Charles takes the flowers out of my hands and lays them on Jules' grave. He sits down on the ground crossed legged and sights. I sit down next to him. "I remember his funeral like yesterday, I don't think I ever felt so empty in my life..." his voice breaks at the end of the sentence. "Jules was my best friend, and I couldn't even say goodbye..." He starts to cry again and I feel a lump in my throat. It hurts seeing Charles this sad, especially on this day. I wrap my arm around him and try to give him some comfort. Charles hides his head in my neck.

"I wish he could've been here today" he says a few minutes later when he stopped crying. "And I can wish all that I want" Charles says. "But it won't bring us together, he's gone." "Yes, I get your feeling" I say. Charles looks at me. "Do you miss Maria?" He asks. Hearing the name of my mentor brings tears in my eyes. I nod. "Every time I'm racing."

"It's nice that you understand me" Charles says then. "Only you and Pierre really do." I take a shaky breath. "Yeah, losing Maria made me stronger though" I say then. "Losing my dad and Jules made me too." Charle looks me in my eyes and smiles soft. "Thank you for being here for me Carlos, it really means a lot" he says. "I'm gonna miss you next season." I don't know why but I suddenly get emotional, losing Charles is gonna be harder than I thought. A tear rolls down my cheek, I wipe it away. "I'm gonna miss you too" I whisper.

"Alexandra asked me if I wanted to tell you you needed to come home soon" I say after we talked for a while. "She's an amazing woman Charles, she's a keeper." Charles laughs. "I know, and the way she is with Leo... I love it, I love to have kids with her one day." I smile, happy Charles found something he wants to spend the rest of his life with. "Let's go, and you're gonna have a drink at my place" Charles says, we both stand up. He looks at Jules' grave for a few more seconds. "He's proud of you Char, just like your dad." He smiles at me. "Thank you Carlos, you're the best." He hugs me, and with my arm around his shoulder we walk away.

A shorter one this time :)
Don't be shy to leave me some ideas xx

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