🩷Hope ur ok (Simi)🩷

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Hope ur ok, Olivia Rodrigo

"Hi" it says. "How are you? Hope ur ok."

Sebastian (Seb)
I'm laying in my bed when suddenly my phone vibrates, I look at it and I'm surprised when I see a text from Kimi. Kimi. The Kimi I haven't spoken to for like 2 years. The Kimi I had a huge crush on when we both raced by Ferarri. Kimi Raikönnen.

"You up?" The message says. I smile and reply: "Yes, hi there". For a while there is no reply, but after a few minutes I do get a new message. "Hi" it says. "How are you? Hope ur ok".

After we texted for a while I notice it is just like the old times. Kimi and I talk and joke like we always did. "Shall we FaceTime?" Kimi sends then. I smile. "Yeah sure" I reply. A few seconds later there's an incoming call from Kimi. I pick up. "Hey, wait a second let me put on a light" he says, his voice sounds a bit raspy and sleepy. God, I won't deny I missed his voice.

Kimi flicks on a light and I can see his face, his hair is a bit darker but further he looks almost the same as a few years ago. "Your hair looks nice that short" he comments then, I starte out of my thoughts. "Sorry, what did you say?" Kimi laughs. "I said your hair looks nice that short." I smile. "Thank you." I take a better look at Kimi's hair. "Did you dyed your hair?" I ask. Kimi smirks. "Yes, I thought it was time for some change, so it's a bit darker now" he answers. "Looks good on you" I say, Kimi's smile turns wider. "Thanks Seb."

"We should meet up" I say after we called for like an hour. "Right now? It's midnight" Kimi says confused, I laugh. "Not right now you idiot, like in a few days or something." Kimi makes an understanding sound. He laughs and rolls over on his back, now I can see he is shirtless, I notice my cheeks flush and hold my phone a bit higher so Kimi won't notice. "Do you have something to do tomorrow?" He asks. "No, not really." "Then we could hang out tomorrow, right? I'm in Germany for a few days." I smile and nod. "Yeah sure!"

"Cool" Kimi replies. "I'll text you the details, but now I'm gonna get some sleep." He yawns. I chuckle and feel I'm tired too. "Yeah, I should too" I say, Kimi smiles at me. "Alright then, I'll see you tomorrow Rakas" he says, I notice his cheeks are a bit flushed and with that he hangs up. Confused I look at the black screen of my phone. What does Rakas even mean? I'm to tired to look it up and put my phone away. Then I lay down again and fall asleep.


When I wake up and check my phone I see Kimi sent me a few messages for a time to meet up. After a few messages we decide to meet up at 2 P.M at my place. It's now 11 A.M so I have a few hours to get ready.

Not much later I stand in front of my closet. What on earth should I wear? It's just a casual hanging out, but for some reason I am nervous. Probably because I haven't seen Kimi in real life for a long time. And probably because yesterday I noticed I still have a huge crush on him. I end up wearing a casual sweater and jeans, Kimi is probably wearing something similar.

The doorbell rings at 1.55 P.M. I can't deny I'm very nervous, but I still walk down the stairs. When I open the door I see Kimi, his hands are in his pockets and he has a big smile on his face. "Hey Seb" he says. "Hi Kim" I reply with a grin. I let Kimi inside and close the door. When I closed the door Kimi basically attacks me with a hug. "God, I missed you so much" I hear him say. I smile. "I missed you too, every day."

Kimi and I sit down on the couch and talk for a while. After not talking for a few years there is a lot to talk about. Suddenly I hear the back door open. "Ey Seb! Bist du zu Hause? Lewis und ich haben den Film ausgeliehen, den wir sehen wollten!" I hear someone say in German.

Nico Rosberg walks in with Lewis Hamilton behind him, we are good friends and hang out a lot as Nico lives in the same town as me. And because Lewis is his boyfriend the Brit is a lot in Germany too. I chuckle when I see the confused face of Nico and Lewis when they see Kimi. "Oh huh? I didn't knew Kimi was coming?" Nico says, changing to English. "Yeah, it was a bit unexpected, but we decided to meet up again" I say smiling. "Come give me a hug Kim, I haven't seen you in ages!" Nico says, opening his arms. Kimi laughs and gives Nico a hug.

"We still can watch the movie though" I say then. Kimi nods in approval. "You sure? Aren't we interrupting a conversation?" Lewis asks. Kimi and I both shake our head. "We were done talking anyways" Kimi says. Lewis still doubts but Nico grabs his arm and pulls him down on the couch. Kimi moves a bit towards me so Lewis and Nico have some more space, his leg touches mine. Fuck, I am never gonna be able to sit here ignoring Kimi's leg.

After we started the movie I realise it's this very cheesy and romantic movie, shit. "Are you okay?" Kimi asks softly, he gives my shoulder a brief push with his's. "Um, yeah I'm fine" I answer fast.

At a kiss scene I get very awkward, I look next to me and see Nico and Lewis giggle and whisper with each other. Kimi notices I get awkward and teases me by pushing his leg gently against mine. I look at his face and he grins, I feel my cheeks flush and focus on the screen again.

When the movie is finished Lewis and Nico fell asleep. "I think they found the movie boring" Kimi comments laughing. I chuckle. "They always fall asleep when they are cuddling, most of the time that's on my couch" I answer, Kimi laughs. "You guys hang out often?" I nod. "Yeah, Nico lives here nearby so he comes over a lot, and if Lewis stays at Nico's he always comes along" I explain, Kimi nods understanding.

"Kim?" I ask then, Kimi looks up from his phone. "Hm?" "What does Rakas mean? Because you called me that last night and I forgot to look up what it means" I say, suddenly Kimi's cheeks flush. "Oh, um, no that was nothing, forget it" he says, he fiddles with the hem of his shirt. Confused I look at him. "Kimi?" He looks at me with a red face. "What does it mean?"

"Um... well..." he starts. "It means darling, or love, or precious or something like that" he finishes softly. He looks at the floor. I look at him confused and not knowing what to say.

"Well this is awkward" I hear Nico say then, I immediately turn my head and see Nico looking at us, Lewis is also awake. "Oh my god, get out of my house you two!" I say ashamed, Nico bursts out into laughter and pulls Lewis with him trough the back door.

"I am so sorry for them Kim" I apologise, Kimi's head is even redder than it was before. "It's okay" he mumbles. He looks me in my eyes. "Look, Seb, I really like you, and I always pushed it away but when we talked last night... all the feelings just came back, and I don't want to hide it anymore" Kimi says, he looks at the floor again. I feel a smile coming on my face. "I like you back" I answer Kimi. He looks up. "Really?" "Really." And with that I take his face between my hands and kiss him.

Happy pride month!🏳️‍🌈
Ideas are welcome <3

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