🩷There is a light that never goes out (Maxiel)🩷

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There is a light that never goes out, the smiths

"Well, to die by your side is such a heavenly way to die" I say, Daniel laughs. "Don't be dramatic Max."

Daniel is staying at my apartment in Monaco, Lando was over and is now putting on his shoes. "I'm gonna start cooking" Daniel says, he pats Lando's shoulder. I follow him with my eyes, I don't get how everything about Daniel is just so fucking gorgeous.

"You really love him, don't you?" I turn around, Lando stands up straight and grins at me. I sight. "Is it that obvious?" He chuckles and nods. I sit down on the couch and feel my cheeks turn red. "Aw, Maxie is in love" he says teasing, I raise my middle finger at him. Lando laughs again. "You aren't supposed to laugh! I'm so embarrassed!" I say, a bit annoyed. Lando sits down next to me.

"Being in love is very normal Max" he says. "Not when it's with my best friend" I answer. "I'm gonna ruin our whole friendship if I tell him." Lando chuckles and shakes his head. "You're so blind, he definitely likes you back mate" he says, I look confused at him. "What?" Lando laughs again. "Find out yourself, go talk to Daniel, I'm going now" he stands up and walks out of my apartment.

Still a bit confused I wall into the kitchen. Daniel turns around and chuckles when he sees me. "I love you from the bottom of my heart Max, but I don't trust your cooking, stay out of my kitchen." I shrug. "You can say whatever you want, but it's still my kitchen." Daniel laughs. "What are we making?" "Pasta pesto." "Oh nice!" I grab a knife and a tomato and start helping cutting the vegetables.

At one point I look at Daniel, god, he's so perfect... Then I suddenly feel a sharp pain going trough my finger. I look back and see a big cut in my finger, did I just accidentally cut myself because I was distracted by Daniel? That's ridiculous. "Fuck" I say, I look at the blood dripping from my finger. "Oh no, what did you do?" I hear Daniel ask and he walks over to me. "You hurt?" "No, there's normally dripping blood out of my finger." Daniel chuckles at my sarcasm. "Let me look at that finger."

"I told you cooking isn't your thing" he says while disinfecting my finger, I hiss soft because it stings a bit. "Well, to die by your side is such a heavenly way to die" I say, Daniel laughs. "Don't be dramatic Max." I chuckle too. "What even made you cut into your own finger, are you blind or something?" He asks, he puts a bandage around my finger. "I guess so" I mumble in reply.

Daniel finishes the pasta while I'm sitting at the dinner table reading the book of a message Christian sent me and Checo. "Jesus, Christian keeps sending me bibles" I say, I hear Daniel laugh. "He's still like that?" "Yup, he never changed." Daniel walks in with two plates of pasta pesto and sits down opposite me. "Thank you, you threw the tomato with blood away right?" "Of course I did you idiot, eating your blood doesn't sounds really tasty."

We start to eat and chat a bit. "This is absolutely delicious" I say then. "You should cook for me more often, as you saw I can't even cut a tomato." Daniel laughs. "I would love to cook for you Max" he says. "As long as you're not so stubborn as today and don't do dumb things." "I didn't do dumb things!" "You almost cut your finger off because you was to busy staring at me." My mouth falls open, fuck, he saw me staring at him? "I didn't stare at you" I deny. "Mhm, yeah, sure." "Dan! I'm serious" I say, Daniel looks my in my eyes, I see he doesn't believes me, he chuckles. "Okay then, if you say so Max, if you say so..."

Not much later Daniel is upstairs calling with someone and I'm watching a movie on the couch, I'm wrapped in a blanket and my hair is messy, I don't care though, Daniel and I know each other for a long time, if he walks in he won't even say something of it.

At least I thought.

Daniel walks in, he grins when he sees me. "Aw, you look adorable like that" he comments, I start to blush and break eye contact, hoping Daniel didn't see my red cheeks. But of course he did. "Are you... blushing?" I hear him ask. "What? No" I deny. "Did I get the cool, hardcore total badass Max Verstappen to blush?" "No! It's... it's um... it's just hot in here." Daniel chuckles. "Huh. It's hot in here. And not the fact that I told you you looked adorable?" I'm silent for a few seconds and start to blush even more. "N-no" I stutter.

Daniel sits down next to me. "So... um... according to Lando you love me too" I say then, now it's his turn to blush. "Oh that fucking bastard, I'm gonna-" he suddenly interrupts himself. "Wait, did you just say too?" I don't reply and just look into Daniel's eyes. "Max? Do... do you love me back?" He asks, I still don't reply. "Please... say something." Instead of saying something I grab his face and kiss him.

I pull away, looking into the very confused eyes of Daniel. "I am so very in love with you Daniel" I say then, a smile appears on his face. "Really?" "Yes, really." "Jesus Christ Max, that took you so long." I look confused at him. "What do you mean?" "I already noticed you loved me back, I just didn't had the balls to tell you" he explains. I start to laugh, this is such a typical thing for us to do. He laughs too. "Oh my god, I'm such an idiot" I say. Daniel wraps his arms around me. "That's right, you are, but you're my idiot, so it doesn't matter."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10 ⏰

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