🩷Written All Over Your Face (Loscar)🩷

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Written All Over Your Face -Louis Tomlinson

"I know babe, it's written all over your face" he says.

Laughing I pull Logan into my motorhome. "I can't believe you did that!" I say, Logan was recklessly flirting with me in the interview we just had, we are a couple but aren't out to anyone yet, and honestly we like to keep it that way for now. "What can I say, I like living on the edge" he teases. I laugh again. "You idiot, I thought you were never gonna stop" I laugh and give him a kiss. "I can see the fan edits coming" Logan jokes. I shake my head chuckling.

Logan and I are hanging out a bit in my motorhome when there's a knock on the door. Logan, who's standing very closely to me, takes a step back. He smirks at me, I chuckle and roll my eyes. "Come in." The door opens and Lando walks in. "Hey Osc!" He greets, then he sees Logan too. "And hi Logan." Logan smiles at Lando, Lando smiles back.

"Um, yes, I just wanted to remind you we need to go Zak's dinner thingy in 15 minutes" he says to me. "Okay, I'll try not to forget" I reply. Lando gives me a confused look and Logan bites his lip to hold back his laugh. "Well okay then, I'll just come pick you up here if you aren't outside in 15 minutes" Lando says, he taps jokingly on his watch. "Sure Lan, see you later" I say laughing. Lando laughs too and walks out of the room.

"15 minutes hm?" Logan says with a grin, he kisses me. I laugh. "You sex addict." "Oh shut up." Logan pushes me gently against the wall and kisses me again. I chuckle. "You know we are in a public place right? We're technically on the grid" I say between a kiss. "No one is gonna walk in" Logan says reassuring. He kisses my jaw.

I close my eyes while Logan kisses me all over my face and neck. "You love this, don't you?" I hear him ask then. I nod. Logan chuckles. "I know babe, it's written all over your face" he says. I feel Logan's lips on mine again. "I love you" he mumbles. "I love you too Lo" I say back. I grab the back of Logan's neck and pull him closer to me.

Me and Logan totally lose track of time while we're kissing and don't hear the door open. "Hey Osc mate, it's been 15 minutes- oh my god I am so sorry!" Shocked Logan steps back from me. I look at the door and see Lando, he looks surprised. "Oh, fuck..." I mumble then. "Um, I'll tell Zak you'll be late" Lando says, he awkwardly scratches the back of his neck and walks out of the room again.

I start to panic. Shit, Lando caught us. With teary eyes I look at Logan. "Fuck Osc, I am so sorry, this is all my fault" he says. "No, it's not your fault, I forgot about the appointment" I say. "You know it doesn't matter, but what now? Lando saw us..." Logan says, I feel tears streaming over my face. "I don't know" I reply with a small voice. "This really wasn't the plan, we should've kept our relationship a secret." Logan sees I'm truly upset about it and pulls me into a hug. "It's gonna be okay Osc, don't worry." "What if Lando tells it to someone?" I sob. "He won't, Lando isn't like that" Logan says reassuring.

"I'm just so scared Lo, what if someone finds out?" I ask, I feel a panic attack coming up, Logan notices. "Hey, hey, calm down, deep breaths Oscar" Logan says, he leads me to the couch and sits down next to me. "Can you take a deep breath for me please?" I try to but my breathing is already to fast. "I ca-can't, Logan, please h-help" I cry panicked. "Shh, it's okay, it's okay Osc." He rubs my back. "L-Logan?" "I'm here, don't worry, it's all gonna be alright" he whispers reassuring. He holds my hand and helps me trough the panic attack.

After I calmed down Logan kisses my hair. "Are you okay again?" He asks. I nod. "Yeah, I just have no idea what to do." Logan wipes a tear from my cheek. "What if you text Lando and ask if he can come towards here, then we can talk with him" he suggests. "That's a good idea" I reply. Logan smiles, a kiss lands on my temple. "It's all gonna be alright gorgeous" he says. I smile softly. "Thank you Lo." I grab my phone and text Lando.


Oscar: Can you come to my motorhome? We should talk

Lando: Sure mate

Lando: Are you okay?

Oscar: Yeah I'm fine, I just wanna talk about what you saw

Lando: I'm probably never gonna forget that lol, I'll get nightmares

Lando: You guys are very cute though, only don't have sex WHEN I CAN WALK IN ANY SECOND

Lando: I'm literally traumatised

Oscar: Shut up and get your ass over here Norris

Oscar: Plus we were only kissing, don't be dramatic

Lando: I'm just kidding, I'll be there in 5!

Oscar: Thanks


After a few minutes Lando isn't here yet, my leg is bobbing up and down nervously, Logan tries to calm me down by telling some stories but I can't help being nervous as fuck. I am gonna tell my best friend/teammate I'm in a relationship, with a boy, with a fellow driver, with my youth best friend. "What if Lando tells Zak?" I ask then. Logan squeezes my hand soft. "He won't, Lando isn't like that darling, we both know that" he answers reassuring. And I know Lando would never do something like that, but I am still scared.

Then there's a knock on the door. I stand up and walk to the door. "And now you knock?" I ask when I open and Lando stands there. Lando chuckles and walks in. Logan stands up and goes standing next to me. "So, you guys have something?" Lando asks. "Yes" Logan answers. I nod, scared of Lando's reaction. It's silent for a few seconds. "Cool" Lando says then, he smiles to us. "I'm really happy for you two!" I sight from relief, Logan grabs my hand and gives it a comforting squeeze.

"For how long have you two been together?" Lando asks. "Um, two months or something?" I look at Logan. "Two months and 13 days" he says, I almost melt. It's so cute that he exactly remembers the date. Lando grins at me. "Nice guys! But Osc, we really have to go now or Zak will kill us" he says. I chuckle. "Okay then."

The three of us walk out of the motorhome, Logan hugs me goodbye and Lando and I walk together to the restaurant where the rest of the team is having dinner. "You and Logan are a really good couple" he says, I smile. "Thank you Lan, it really means a lot that you support us!" I say, Lando laughs. "You thought I wouldn't? You're my best friend Osc, of course I support you!" He wraps his arm around my shoulder. "Just next time warn me when you're kissing so I won't walk in" he says, I laugh. "Sure Lan, sure."

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