🩷Midnight rain (Lestappen)🩷

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Midnight rain, Taylor Swift

"You're soaked." He comments, staring at me. I chuckle. "Yeah, no shit, it's raining like crap."

It's late, Charles, Daniel, Alex, George, Nico Hulk, Lando, Lewis and I had some dinner at Valterri's house in Monaco. Although it's already past midnight and we have a busy race weekend a few drivers decided to stay a bit longer. I chose to walk to my apartment and get some sleep. The only thing is that it's raining, like very heavy.

I've only walked for 20 meters and I am soaked. I will probably get sick if I don't hurry up, only my apartment is still 10 minutes away. Shit.

While I'm walking and complaining about the cold rain in myself, the rain suddenly stops, which is weird, because I can still hear it. I look up and see an umbrella above my head, next to me walks Charles, he smiles. "Hi" he says. "Oh, hey" I say back. We stand still, Charles looks at me. "You're soaked." He comments, staring at me. I chuckle. "Yeah, no shit, it's raining like crap."

"I didn't knew you were going home too" I say then. "Yeah, I thought I should got home before the rain got worse, they say there's a thunderstorm coming" Charles answers. "Well, then I should walk further" I say. "I'll walk with you" Charles says, he smiles.

When we arrived at Charles' house the thunderstorm is already going on. Lightning strikes are in the air and the thunder is very loud. "Max! I don't think it's a good idea if you walk further with this weather!" Charles calls over the sound of the thunder. "Ah it's fine, I'm already soaked anyways, plus I have to get a good night of sleep or I'll race like shit tomorrow" I reply. Charles eyes turn worried and he shakes his head.

"Max, if the lightning strikes into you won't race at all" Charles says. I chuckle. "Don't be dramatic, Charlie" I say. But Charles doesn't seems to find it funny at all. "Come stay at mine for the night, I will leave you alone if you really insist on it but I don't want you to walk alone in this storm!" He yells so he can get over the sound of the hard wind. I start to doubt. "Are you sure that isn't a problem for you?" "Yes I'm sure! Now come inside!"

I walk with Charles inside his house, I always forget how beautiful it is. While Charles makes a cup of tea for the both of us I try to play something on his piano, that goes totally wrong, I hear Charles laugh from the kitchen. He walks around the corner puts the two cups on the table and gestures for me to move aside. "I'll show you how you really play piano." I move a bit on the piano stool and Charles sits down next to me. He places his hands in the right positions and starts to play the most beautiful piece I've ever heard.

In surprise I look to the man next to me, I knew Charles could play the piano, but I didn't knew he could play this good! When Charles is done he catches me staring at him with an open mouth, he chuckles shyly. "Oh come on, it wasn't that good" he says grinning. "What?! Charles that was amazing!" I say. Charles laughs. "Thanks, but let's go to bed, we have a busy weekend." We walk upstairs and Charles shows me the guest room. "Um, do want to borrow clothes of mine?" He asks, looking at my soaked jeans and hoodie.

I doubt. I'm very cold but would it be weird to ask for a hoodie and sweatpants? Whatever, he asked it hisself. "A hoodie and some sweatpants would be nice" I say, trying to play it cool. Charles smiles. "Cool, I'll be right back."

Less than a minute later Charles comes back into the room with a black hoodie with "all time" on it and grey sweatpants. "One hoodie and sweatpants for Mr. Verstappen" he says, he gives it to me. "It's handy we have the same size at moments like this" he adds. I chuckle. I can still hear the thunder outside, it's loud, but also quite peaceful. "Thanks Charles" I say then, Charles smiles warm at me. "No problem, good night Max." "Night."

When Charles left the room and I put on the dry, comfy hoodie and the sweatpants I can't help but smell at the hoodie. It smells good, like laundry detergent and I can also smell a bit of Charles' perfume. After I notice what I'm doing I immediately tell myself to stop.

I lay down the single bed of the guest room. It's weird. Charles and I are pretty good friends and we live close to each other, but we never really hung out or something. That's probably because we're always busy, but still. I always like to be around Charles. He's very chill and calm and a great listener. Suddenly the door (what is a little bit open) opens more and I hear something comes inside. Confused I flick on the light on the nightstand. After I put the light on I see Charles' puppy Leo. He jumps onto the bed and starts to lick my face. "Jesus Leo!" I say laughing. I pick him up and decide to bring him to Charles.

With Leo in my arms I softly knock on Charles' door. He hums as sign I can come in. I walk in, Charles looks up from his laptop and smiles when he sees me and Leo. "Hi there" he says. Leo starts to move in my arms, I put him down on the bed and he runs to Charles. Charles laughs when the puppy starts to lick his face. "Sorry Max, I forgot Leo has something with the guest room" he says chuckling. "It's okay" I reply with a smile. I just stand there a bit awkward while I watch Charles playing with Leo.

Charles chuckles when he sees me standing. "You can sit here and play along if you want? You don't have to stand there so awkwardly" he says. I laugh and sit down next to him. Leo immediately jumps into my lap and starts licking me all over my face. I laugh and try to push him away. Charles laughs and says something in French to the puppy, then he picks him up and puts him on the ground.

"So what were you doing?" I ask, pointing at Charles' laptop. "I was watching Grey's anatomy." "Oh nice! I already finished it haha, what season are you on?" I ask. "Season 10 episode 4" he says. "Can I watch along?" Charles nods. "Yeah sure!"

We're watching grey's anatomy when Charles suddenly lays his head on my shoulder. I don't mind it and let him lay there. He looks up at me. "Um, do you mind this?" He asks. I shake my head. "No it's fine." Then I notice Charles' flushed cheeks. "A-are you blushing?" I ask confused. Charles breaks eye contact and gives no response. "Charles?" I try. Still nothing. "Charlie?"

Charles removes his head and sits straight up. He looks at me. "What if I am?" He asks then. I look in Charles' eyes. They have an asking look in them. I notice he looks at my lips. Holy shit, is this really happening? I look at Charles' lips and notice I really wanna kiss him, to my surprise. I doubt, what if this makes everything awkward? Do I really feel something for him? "Um, Max? Are you okay?" I look at Charles again. You know, fuck it. I lean forwards and kiss the Monegasque in front of me. He immediately kisses back. Wow.

After the kiss I look at Charles again. "Jesus, you're a good kisser" I say, a bit out of breath. Charles laughs. "Only you can say something like this after a kiss" he cackles. I laugh too. "We should rewind grey's though" I say. Charles chuckles and shakes his head. "You idiot" he mumbles. Then he lays his head down on my chest.

After we finishes the episode of grey's anatomy Charles lays the laptop down on the floor and puts his arms around my waist. "Please sleep here" he mutters, I smile. "I will Char, don't worry." I wrap my arm around him and together we fall asleep.

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