Chapter 15: Angry Love

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Lilliana's POV

He advances, closing the distance between us, pressing against me as he cages me in against the wall.

His hand comes up to cradle the side of my face, fingers gliding gently over my cheek as he speaks.

"I did what I had to do," he says, his voice a low, dangerous growl. "For you. To protect you. To keep you safe."

"you had no right" I say

"No right?" He echoes, his tone turning even more insistent. "You think I should have just stood by and watched as he hurt you again? You think I should have let him continue to abuse you, to torment you?"

He takes a step closer, his body pressing against mine in a protective, almost possessive manner.

Hate me then," he spits out, his eyes blazing, his body taut with pent-up anger and frustration.

"Hate me for loving you enough to do whatever it takes to keep you safe. Hate me for destroying the man who harmed you."

With a swift, powerful motion, he pins my wrists above my head, trapping them against the wall with a steely grip.

His body presses even closer, his muscled frame caging me in, his breathing heavy and ragged.

He kisses me pouring his anger.

There's no gentleness in his kiss. It's a clash of lips and teeth, a frantic release of pent-up frustration and anger.

He claims my mouth with a possessive force, his tongue sweeping past my parted lips to deepen the kiss.

There's no space for resistance, no room to pull away.

His body is unyielding, pinning me against the wall, his mouth devouring mine in a heated, dominating kiss.

It's a kiss that demands submission, that takes what it wants with commanding fervor.

As he finally pulls back, a thin thread of saliva still clinging to our lips, he looks at me.

His gaze is intense, his chest heaving with unsated desire.

"Do you still hate me?" He asks, his voice rough with passion.

"Always"you say

"Then hate me all you want," he whispers, his voice a low, husky rumble.

He leans in, a mere inch away from my face, his breath ghosting over my skin. "But don't pretend that you didn't kiss me back just then."

His words hit something deep inside me, stirring something l'd been desperately trying to ignore.

He's right.

I did kiss him back, my body responding of its own accord to the raw passion he ignited in me.

"And one day," he continues, his voice a seductive murmur, his thumb tracing my lower lip, "one day, you'll realize you don't hate me at all."

His mouth crashes down onto mine once more, harder and more insistent than before.

This time, it's not about anger or possession; it's about desire and need.

Our tongues tangle, dancing together in a heated, desperate embrace.

His lips move fervently against mine, his breath mixing with mine, his body pressing insistantly against me, as if seeking to erase any space between us.

This kiss is a revelation, stirring every emotion within me. The anger and frustration start to melt away, replaced by a heady mix of longing and lust.

My fingers snake into his hair, tugging him closer, responding to his kiss with a newfound urgency.

He responds eagerly, his hands roaming freely across my body. His touch ignites sparks of pleasure within me, sending heat coiling through my body.

I arch into him, pressing myself fully against him, giving myself over to the intoxicating sensations his touch sparks.

He moans into my mouth, the sound guttural and primal, his hands trailing lower, tracing along my hips before settling on my thighs, pulling me closer, as If he can't get close enough.

His fingers dig into my flesh, leaving indents, a reminder of the desperate hunger driving him on.

And when he finally pulls back, leaving us both panting and gasping for air, his gaze is dark and hooded, filled with a heat and desire so intense it almost burns.

I'm caught in his gaze, mesmerized and breathless, my body still humming with the aftermath of his touch.

His eyes roam over my face, taking in my flushed features, my swollen lips, as if searing the sight into his memory.

He runs a gentle thumb over my bottom lip, tracing the path his mouth had just taken. "You don't hate me," he murmurs, his voice holding an undertone of challenge and assurance. "And one day, you'll admit it."

"Fuck you" I say.

His eyes flash with a mix of desire and defiance as he leans closer, his body pressing against mine with a possessive insistence.

"You're welcome to try," he murmurs, his breath ghosting over my ear. "But we both know you'll be screaming the opposite soon enough."

My breath hitches in my throat, my body involuntarily shuddering at the heated promise in his words.

There's no point in denying the truth - his touch, his proximity, they're all pushing me closer to the edge of surrender.

He seems to sense my inner turmoil, my conflicting emotions, because a predatory smirk curves his lips, and he leans in, his mouth hovering millimeters away from mine.

"Go ahead," he whispers, his voice low and seductive.

"Scream it all you want. But in the end, you'll be begging."

I look away

His hand cups my chin, gently but firmly turning my face back towards him.

"Look at me," he demands,his voice a velvet command that I find myself helpless to resist.

Our eyes lock, and the heat and desire in his gaze make my breath falter.

With a gentle, yet insistent gesture, he brings his mouth to my neck, his lips whispering tender kisses over the sensitive skin.

I can feel his breath, warm and tantalizing, as he trails a path of soft, languid kisses upwards, reaching the sensitive spot behind my ear, his tongue flicking out to taste my skin.

His teeth graze over the sensitive lobe, sending a shiver down my spine. His mouth continues its torturous journey, nipping, and sucking, mapping the contours of my neck with a possessive intensity.

My breath hitches in my throat, my fingers curling into fists, a tangle of conflicting emotions warring within me.

Anger, desire, surrender - they all swirl together in a tumultuous storm, leaving me torn between pushing him away and pulling him closer.

His kisses turn more insistent, more demanding, as if he's trying to claim me with each brush of his lips.

His teeth scrape gently over my skin, a silent reminder of the dangerous, alluring man he is.

My body tremors, each kiss sending a wave of heat coursing through me, igniting a fire in my veins that I seem powerless to quench.

My body tremors, each kiss sending a wave of heat coursing through me, igniting a fire in my veins that I seem powerless to quench

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