Chapter 18: Protecting you

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Marco's POV

As I listen to Pedro's account of the kidnapping, my blood runs cold.

"Marco, we need to move fast," Pedro says, his voice urgent.

"I have the location of the warehouse where Lilliana is being held captive. We can get her back, but we need to act quickly."

The words fuel the firestorm of worry that now rages within me.

I jump into action, grabbing my keys and heading towards the door.

My mind is a whirlwind of emotions, but I focus on one thing - getting Lilliana back, no matter the cost.

I speed down the streets, the city lights flashing by me in a blur.

My mind is a relentless storm of worry for Lilliana's safety.

"Pedro," I say, my voice tight with tension, "any new updates on Lilliana's condition?"

The silence on the other end of the line only heightens my anxiety.

I need information, any indication of her wellbeing or the state she's in.

The uncertainty is maddening, and I cling to the hope that she's okay.

I reach the warehouse, the dimly lit building standing before me like a grim sentinel.

I park the car and rush towards the entrance, my heart pounding in my chest.

Pedro is already there, his eyes filled with determination.

"They're in there," he mutters, motioning towards the warehouse. "I saw two men guarding the entrance. We need to be careful."

I step out of my car and start to head into the warehouse when suddenly everything goes dark.

I come to with a jolt, disoriented and unsure of my surroundings.

My vision is blurred, and a rough fabric is forced into my mouth, gagging any sound that might escape.

Instinctively, I pull against my restraints, but they hold fast.

I strain my eyes, trying to make out anything in the dimly lit room.

My heart races, and I try to calm myself, to focus on my next move.

But the silence is overwhelming, and the unknown is a haunting presence, taunting me with its shadows.

With a muffled grunt, I fight against the ropes that bind me to the chair.

They gnaw into my skin, unyielding in their hold. Fear and anger seethe within me, a sickening mix that leaves my stomach churning.

But I push it down, focusing my mind on the situation at hand.

I try to assess my surroundings, but the darkness makes it difficult to see anything beyond shadows.

I strain my ears, listening for any sign of life, any sound that might give me a clue as to who's behind this abduction.

My heart skips a beat as I see her bound and gagged next to me.

Lillian's eyes meet mine, and I see in them a mix of fear and determination.

She looks unharmed, but the sight of her tied up and vulnerable only heightens my own fear and anger.

I try to speak, to reassure her, but the gag stifles any sound that might escape.

All I can do is hold her gaze, silently communicating my worry and hope.

I shuffle my chair closer to hers, every movement a small exertion of effort.

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