Chapter 5: Digital Nightmare

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You went into your room and closed the door behind you with a sigh. "Finally..." You muttered, you looked around your room. "Stupid bunny...who does he think he is...teasing with me?"You said to yourself, "Who are you calling stupid?" You screamed in shock until you noticed Jax sitting on your bed. 'Huh...usually, he would have on his smirk it weird that I kinda miss it- Wait, what am I saying?' "You got 5 seconds to explain why you're in my room." You said, "I got every key to everyone's room and I have my authority as a friend-"

You raised an eyebrow at him. "Okay, okay but...why didn't you tell them what really happened in that old cabin?" He asked, "Why not? They wouldn't believe you otherwise, even if you try to deny it." You said, "Eh, that seems fair..." "But I have a question." You said, "Hm?" "Why do you act like this? Besides being a prankster and a suck-up?" You questioned, "Well, for that- Wait, a suck-up? Who are you calling a suck-up?" He said, "I'm calling you a suck-up!" "I'll suck you up." "And- Wait, what?" "What?" "What was that last part?"

"I don't know what you're talking about." He said, "You know [SPLAT!] well what I'm talking about." You said, "Okay, you- Hey, is that your gummy gator friend?" "Gumigoo?" You said as you immediately turned around but it was just him as a plushie. "What-" You turned back to him but he's gone. "Ugh...freaking bunny rabbit. Well, it's nighttime anyways." You went to the drawers to see some many clothes (mostly magician costumes) and spit your pjs between them. As you were about to grab them, they disappeared.

"Huh? Where did they go?" You muttered, then you noticed that you're wearing them already. "Oh..right. Digital World." You yawned a bit, then went to the door and opened it. "Goodnight, guys!" "Good night!" "Sweet dreams!" "Night!" "Try to get some good sleep, at least." "Same to you, Zooble." You went back to your room, then laid down on the bed and covered yourself with the blankets but before you could sleep, you pulled out your wand. You waved it to create some glowing stars around you and sighed as you slowly fell asleep.


You wake up in the middle of night (or day) to find yourself in the middle of the circus but all there's around you is just pure darkness. "What the- Hello?" You called out for anyone but it was just your echo. "Guys? Anyone?" You heard someone sobbing and when you turned around, you saw Pomni in the corner, shaking that made you sigh in relief. "Oh, thank god. It's just you, Pomni. Do you know what's going on? Or why is it so dark?" You asked, but she just kept sobbing. You raised your eyebrow before going over to her.

"Hey, Pomni. I know that you're scared but I'm just asking about what's going on and where's everyone, that's all." You said, kneeling down to her but that's when her sobbing stopped and it turned into small chuckling and, soon turned into laughter. It made you feel kinda uncomfortable, considering that you never heard her laugh before...while being here. "Pomni?" But when you put your hand on her shoulder, she slowly turned to you with some tears in her eyes. "Pomni? Wh-What happened? Why are you crying?" You asked,

"Did Jax do something to you? I'm gonna get my whip-""N-No, no...i-it's just that...everyone is...i-is-""Is what?" "Ab-Abstracted." "What do you mean that-" [THUMP!] You both felt something large landed behind you. You looked at Pomni as she was about to have a heart attack while shaking in fear. "It's behind me, isn't it?" You asked, she slowly nodded. You took a deep breath before turning around to see the large [ABSTRACT] in front of you. "Okay...this is unexpected..but is that the exit?" You questioned,

The [ABSTRACT] turned around but despite its many eyes, you quickly picked up Pomni and ran away to get its attention as it let out a loud screech before chasing you guys. "It's after us!" Pomni exclaimed, "Run faster!" You exclaimed, "Why are my legs so short?!" "Why is this even happening?!" You guys turned the corner as you kept running but the [ABSTRACT] kept chasing but while running, Pomni spotted a red door with the word 'EXIT' at the end of the hall. "There's the exit!" She exclaimed, "Thank God! Nothing will stop us now!" You exclaimed,

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