A new addition

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Ella's PoV

The birth went like a breeze Leah took everything in her stride, she was amazing, no screaming, no shouting no tears she flew through it.

"My god you're amazing" I whisper into her ear as we both cry looking at our new baby. The loud cry echoing through the room.

"Thank you" Leah says.

"For what"

"For giving me the chance to have a baby...your baby"

I smile at that. I transferred my eggs to Leah just like Leah did with the twins.

"Le he is our baby get that right" I wink and see her beautiful smile I lean down kissing her softly.

"We should be home later today are you ready" I ask her.

"Certainly home to our babies with our new baby I can't wait"

"It's going to be carnage" I laugh.

"But I wouldn't have it any other way el, I told you years ago our future would be perfect if we added to it and we have we have three beautiful babies and I couldn't wish for more"

"Le look at you all soppy" I smile. I sit next to her in the bed taking our new addition in my arms.

"It's perfect our life it really is...crazy, busy but perfect and I'm so glad I met you that night in Ibiza"

"Oh yeah"

"Yeah I bagged the hottest woman on this planet how can I complain" Leah blushes at my remark.

"And I bagged a hotty I mean who can say they bagged a superstar" I pull a face and make Leah laugh.

"Okay now you need to try and stand up get moving your back in training next week we need the money" I say making Leah laugh.

"You can fuck off" she says whispering.

As we head home in the car we told our parents about the baby but told them not to tell the twins.

Leah's PoV

As we head home baby boy in the back seat I intertwine my fingers with Ellie. I take her hand and kiss it.

"I'll always love you" I say softly

"And I'll always love you my queen" she smiles.

I feel happy, I feel complete we have our family our lives and our careers my wildest dreams couldn't have predicted this.

As we pull into the drive I see the twins at the window.

"You ready" I hear Ellie

" more than ever" I smile back. Ellie leans over and kisses me softly.

She opens the door and runs to open mine. After all these years she still opens and closes my door. She takes the travel seat with the baby in out of the car and we walk in the house. The kids walking to us quietly our parents must have told them no noise.

"Hey babies" I say kneeling down and hugging them.

"Mama your belly is gone" rían says looking confused.

"Riri that's rude" aria giggles.

"Sorry mama" rían says

"No baby it's okay it's not rude but my belly has gone you want to see why?" I say

They both nod. Just then Ellie enters with the carry seat. She turns the seat round and there is our new baby a tiny bundle asleep.

"Aww a baby" aria says

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