Needles part 2

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Next morning

Nurse grabbed Ed out of bed and took him to the lab while he is still asleep

Ed woke up

Dr - ah glad you woke up we have some tests today
Ed - what sort of tests
Dr - erm so enema, a biopsy and then some more tomorrow but the biopsy is multiple for like bone marrow and then some for tissue of organs

Ed nodded

Dr. So let's start with enema. Nurse can you get the stuff plz
Nurse got the stuff

Dr- Ed can you lie on your stomach plz
Dr - nurse could you plz open Ed's bottom up

Nurse held his bum
Ed is fidgeting and feeling very scared
Ed - will this hurt
Dr - no just a bit uncomfortable.
Without working the dr push the tube through
Ed- owwwwwww owwww please take it out stop plz
Dr- stop moving Ed or you will get punished
Dr started the enerma
Dr- right that is staying there for an hour no going to toilet
Ed is feeling really uncomfortable
Dr- Ed stop shouting
Dr - nurse could you please get 5 biopsy needles please
Ed - 5 what
Nurse got the needles

Dr - we have to do most after enema so I will give you a 30min rest while the enema finishes. No screaming this is you last chance
Ed - yes sir

30 min later

Dr - right how much has gone through
Nurse - not that much
Ed - I'm really full I think I'm about to explode
Dr - no you need more. Nurse lets out a bigger tube in
Nurse - yes sir. I will go get the biggest one

Nurse came back with a huge tube

Dr - right let me stop the liquid and take the tube out . No toilet Ed
When dr took tube out Ed felt instant relief
Dr - spread his bum apart
Dr inserted the tube and Ed became uncomfortable
Dr- right nurse start it
Nurse started it and Ed felt like he was going to explode
Ed - how long will this take
Dr - 30 minutes maybe

30 minutes later

Dr - good it's done
Dr took enema out
Ed - can I go to toilet plz
Dr - no we keep it there until biopsy and then put catheter
Ed was so uncomfortable
Ed - ok

Dr - nurse get the biopsy needles.
Nurse got the huge needles
Ed - omg there huge
Dr - right Ed where do you want to start front or back
Ed - ermmm back
Dr - okay. So nurse it's bone marrow and lung but we need 3 needles cause we are going bone marrow first
Nurse - yes sir
Dr- Ed these are just tests to see what we need to do
Ed nodded
Ed - are you going to numb me
Dr - no don't be silly

Dr got the needles and inserted it into Ed back 3 times and Ed was screaming and then dr inserted two more into Ed stomach to see if he had any infections
Dr said that Ed has got urine infection
Dr also has a full check up on Ed and Ed has some breast issues

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