Dred it, Run From it

400 13 54

TW: Mention of attempted sexual assault

(y/n) POV

I was driving the motorbike and Rei was still holding onto me when I looked up and saw a plane flying past us. An F4 Phantom, I forgot Japan had F4 Phantoms. I kept driving the bike for a while, remembering the events of last night.


I had the bike stopped over a bridge and me and Rei watched as a horde of zombies walked down the road below us.

Rei: I wonder if anyone will come to rescue us?

(y/n): As much as I want to reassure you, I doubt it.

Rei: Oh. *looks down* So, the only thing we can do I fight to survive, right?

(y/n): Yeah.

Rei: *frowns* I wish there was something that could be done.

(y/n): The only thing we can do is fight. But first, we have to get to the others. *looks behind*

Rei: *looks behind* We should go.

(y/n): Agreed.

I start driving the bike again and remembering the shit that happened earlier today.

Takashi and the others

No One POV

Everyone was still inside of the bus, stuck in a traffic jam as the police tried to keep control. Shido was still nursing his no-longer-existent manhood. He had his pelvis wrapped in bandages but blood was still soaking through the bandages. However, Shido still had sway over most of the bus with the other students following him blindly.

Seako: We move any slower, we'll be going in reverse.

Saya: At this rate, I'm not sure if we can cross the bridge before dawn.

Kohta: *stomach grumbles* Oh.

Saya: Shut up, be quiet, you're so disgusting!

Kohta: I can't help it, I've been so hungry, ever since I started PX90.

2 gunshots went off and everyone turned to see the police shooting a zombie. The other girls in the bus got scared and Shido hobbled over.

Shido: (strained from pain) It's ok. *hugs the 2 girls* It's safe in here. It's ok.

Taniuchi: Mr. Shido.

Shido: (strained) You have nothing to worry about my darlings. There there. It's alright.

Saya, Kohta, Seako, and Takashi were watching Shido with annoyance.

(y/n) and Rei

(y/n) POV

I kept driving the bike down the road and through the city as Rei rested her head on my back. I looked at the destroyed city before stopping the bike.

Rei: There's no one here.

(y/n): They either left or are now the walking dead. My guess, they didn't make it.

Rei: I think you're right.

Rei looked around a little before pointing at a car with lights on.

Rei: (y/n), look.

I chuckled a little and decided to joke a little.

(y/n): No license, no helmets, I'm on a stolen bike, and I'm armed to the teeth with firearms and a sword that are most definitely not registered in Japan, I'm just asking to get arrested.

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